Liu Yang
liuy@cs.cmu.edu My CV
7223 GHC, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
Tel: (517) 526-2509 (cell) (412) 268-7669 (office)
I recently completed my Ph.D. with Avrim Blum and Jaime Carbonell at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm now a postdoctoral fellow in the Computer Science Department. at CMU.
My area of research is Theoretical Machine Learning and Theoritical Computer Science. I'm particularly interested in Statistical and Computational Learning Theory, Property Testing, Algorithmic Economics.
New Directions in Machine Learning: Research Statement
Teaching Statement
Topics I've been working on:
- Learning with Drifting Concepts and Distributions
- Sublinear Algorithms: Active Property Testing, Active Tolerant Testing
- Mechanism Design: Online Allocation/Pricing Problems with Economies of Scale, Correlated Auctions, Repeated Auctions, Prior Estimation applied to Combinatorial Auctions
- Learning DNF with Representation-Specific Queries
- Theory of Transfer Learning/Online Learning/Active Learning (Bayesian Active Learning, Minimax Analysis of Active Learning, Active Learning with Convex Losses, Buy-in-Bulk Active Learning)
- Learning Distance Metrics (DistLearnKit), with applicatoins to Computer Vision, Interactive Search-Assisted Diagnosis (CMU Diamond and Intel Research)