Ligia Nistor

I have graduated! I was a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University from August 2009 to December 2017. I am now working for Oracle Corporation in Cambridge, MA.
I am interested in formal methods, verification, programming languages, logic, software engineering.
My email address is ligia.nicoleta at . My CV is here.


Ph.D. Thesis: [PDF]
The code for my Oprop tool is available on GitHub. Check it out or contribute!
Thesis proposal: [PDF]
My Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Jonathan Aldrich.
I obtained my MSc in Computer Science from Oxford University in 2009.
My final thesis was titled Model-Checking Higher-Order Recursion Schemes , under the supervision of Prof. Luke Ong. You can read my thesis here.


  1. Ligia Nistor, Verifying the Proxy Design Pattern Using Object Propositions, SPLASH 2017 Student Research Competition
  2. Ligia Nistor, Verifying the State Design Pattern Using Object Propositions, Invited Talk for the Doctoral Track at FACS 2017, [slides]
  3. Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, The Implementation of Object Propositions: the Oprop Verification Tool, 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2017), [slides]
  4. Ligia Nistor, Using compression to reduce the query latency in a distributed system, North East Database Day 2017, [poster.pdf]
  5. Ligia Nistor, The Modularity of Object Propositions, Modularity 2016 Student Research Competition, [paper.pdf],[poster.pdf]. I obtained second place.
  6. Ligia Nistor, Resource Management in the Oracle Big Data Discovery Query Engine (poster), North East Database Day 2016, [poster.pdf]
  7. Ligia Nistor, How to Run a Query in Distributed Mode - An Aspect (poster), North East Database Day 2016
  8. Ligia Nistor, The Oprop Verification Tool: Object Propositions in Action, SPLASH 2015 Student Research Competition, [src15.pdf]
  9. Zipped materials for Splash Student Research Competition 2015 []
  10. Mashhood Ishaque, Ligia Nistor and Kevin Backhouse, Applying Streaming Algorithms to Data at Rest (poster), New England Database Day 2015, [abstract PDF][poster]
  11. Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, Using Machine Learning in the Automatic Translation of Object Propositions, AI4FM, 2014. [PDF]
  12. Cyrus Omar, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Benjamin Chung, Alex Potanin and Jonathan Aldrich, Safely Composable Type-Specific Languages, ECOOP, 2014.
  13. Ligia Nistor, Jonathan Aldrich, Stephanie Balzer and Hannes Mehnert, Object Propositions, 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods, 2014. [PDF]
  14. Technical Report CMU-CS-13-132 [PDF]
  15. Object propositions soundness proof [PDF]
  16. Composite pattern proof [PDF]
  17. Ligia Nistor, Darya Kurilova, Stephanie Balzer, Benjamin Chung, Alex Potanin and Jonathan Aldrich, Wyvern: A Simple, Typed, and Pure Object-Oriented Language, International Workshop on Mechanisms for Specialization, Generalization and Inheritance (MASPEGHI) , 2013. [PDF]
  18. Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, Verifying Object-Oriented Code Using Object Propositions, International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership, 2011. [PDF]
  19. Sarah M. Loos, Andre Platzer, and Ligia Nistor, Adaptive Cruise Control: Hybrid, Distributed, and Now Formally Verified, 17th International Symposium on Formal Methods, 2011. [PDF]
  20. Tanu Malik, Ligia Nistor, and Ashish Gehani, Tracking and Sketching Distributed Data Provenance, 6th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 2010. [PDF]


During Fall 2011 I was a TA for 15150 Functional Programming.
During Fall 2012 I was a TA for 15210 Parallel & Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms.


These are the courses that I took at Oxford University:
1.Lambda Calculus and Types
2.Automata, Logic and Games
3.Computer Aided Formal Verification
4.Software Verification
5.Probabilistic Model Checking

These are the courses that I took at Carnegie Mellon University:
1. Machine Learning (Fall 2009)
2. Type Systems for Programming Languages (Fall 2009)
3. Data, Code, Decisions (Fall 2009)
4.Graduate Algorithms (Spring 2010)
5.Advanced OS and Distributed Systems (Spring 2010)
6.Randomized Algorithms (Spring 2011)
7.V Unit (completed December 2011) [Final Report]
8. Computer Architecture (Fall 2011)


  • I served as an external reviewer for the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) 2016.
  • Misc

    During summer 2012 I interned with Duolingo.

    I was part of the team (Team UBA) that won second place at the Social Innovation Solutions Challenge 2012 , on Jan 31 2012. Our team designed an innovative health care product for inner-city Americans.


    I love running and reading. I like to paint and I advertise my paintings on my ArtPal page.