

I'm not quite sure why you're here. I'm rarely here, and this is my practically never-updated home page; my recent pictures get uploaded to my Flickr gallery (no disk quotas or gallery management issues that way); and what minimal ramblings I post tend to be on my Facebook profile, and there's also my profile on LinkedIn. If you happened to have run across me earlier, and were looking for contact information, well, there's that. I've also wandered various other online fora; while I haven't bothered with for aeons, I have been a somewhat active poster on and occasionally on the web forums relating to games that I've been either playing or investigating -- notably at Shrapnel Games.

The picture to the right is a few years old, but is still reasonably accurate.

Brief description

The odds seem likely that you found this page by searching for my name, in which case you probably already know me or are going to shortly, but perhaps that's not true for your particular case. So...

Work-related plug: see, a multilingual (aside from English, there's Hindi, Tamil and Telugu pages) for information on movies and related celebrities and so forth.

Assorted interests

Random resources

Information is power. Empower yourself.