- public-dsa.asc, or 0x49DFD94D. This is the ASCII
version of the public key from a GnuPG DSA/El Gamal key pair, and may be
used for sending messages to me. This was created September 11, 2005.
The attached identity is "Leejay Wu (DSA/ELG) <Leejay.Wu aaaaaat gmail.com>".
The key fingerprint is "DB3C B06F 64C1 CE3B E453 4256 A1F4 8B95 49DF D94D".
- public-rsa.asc, or 0x6DEF6F43. This is the
ASCII version of the public key from a GnuPG RSA key pair, and may
be used for authenticating (only) if you aren't using a DSA/ELG-capable
client. This was created September 11, 2005.
The attached identity is "Leejay Wu (RSA) <Leejay.Wu located at gmail.com>". The
key fingerprint is "D1A4 25BD B8D7 D473 A5E0 666D 8844 3093 6DEF 6F43".
- public-cs.asc, or 0x7F601455. This is the
ASCII version of the public key from an older and smaller GnuPG DSA/El
Gamal key pair, and dates back to January 26, 1999.
The attached identity is "Leejay Wu (main) <lw2j aaaat cs.cmu.edu>". The
key fingerprint is "CF41 1D1E E8AC 926F A41A 9F8D 3607 894E 7F60 1455".