Slack will be used for discussion about the course and assignments. The link will be emailed to the
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Course Description
This PhD-level course explores the intersection of Neuroscience and AI (NeuroAI). The aim of this course is to
provide students with the foundational concepts and the methodological tools to perform research in NeuroAI.
This course is aimed to help students with a machine learning background or a neuroscience background to form
a solid basis in NeuroAI research. The focus will be on acquiring the skills to both build models of brain
activity that can perform intelligent tasks/behaviors, and to understand the implications of these models for the brain.
Specifically, this course evaluates the use of new AI methods as models for the brain, and the utility of
inspiration from the brain for building better AI. The course has two main components:
(a) a critical look at the current practice of computational neuroscience through lectures,
readings and discussions and (b) an active, practical component (though homework and projects) that allows
students to form their opinions based not only on readings and ideas imposed upon them, but also through their
own experience and understanding. Specifically, the class has a project component, which is expected to be substantial
enough that the work could lead to a publication at the end of the semester if successful.
The focus of the class will be on representations in the brain and in AI models, spanning multiple species,
specifically in the areas of sensory systems, motor, language, and higher-cognitive areas. Students will
learn the most recent approaches for using AI models as models of the brain, along with the arguments for and
against these types of approaches.
The course will also touch upon generation in both AI models and in the brain, and discuss possibilities of
integrating them.
Learning Objectives:
The aim of this class is to enable students to:
know the state of the art in modeling brain responses using AI and key findings,
identify key fallacies in modeling and ways to avoid them,
form computational cognitive neuroscience research questions and a plan to address them,
have practical experience in modeling brain responses.
have the foundational skills for research in NeuroAI.
Intermediate statistics and/or machine learning, familiarity with deep learning, linear algebra, programming
experience with Python, vector manipulation as in PyTorch, NumPy and/or TensorFlow. Basic knowledge in
neuroscience is helpful, but not required. For students lacking a background in neuroscience, introductory
readings will be provided at the start of the semester. Official course prerequisites include any of the
following: 10301, 10315, 10601, 10701, 10715, 10707, 10417, 10617, 10414, 10714, or 11785. If you believe your
background from other coursework or experience is equivalent, please contact the instructor. This course also
offers an opportunity for students from diverse academic backgrounds to receive mentorship in computational
If you have any doubts about your readiness for this class, just ask us!
Some of the readings we will cover:
Mitchell, T.M., Shinkareva, S.V., Carlson, A., Chang, K.M., Malave, V.L., Mason, R.A. and Just, M.A.,
2008. Predicting human brain activity associated with the meanings of nouns. science, 320(5880),
Nishimoto, S., Vu, A.T., Naselaris, T., Benjamini, Y., Yu, B. and Gallant, J.L., 2011. Reconstructing
visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies. Current biology, 21(19), pp.1641-1646.
Wang, J., Miller, K., Marblestone, A., 2020, Where Neuroscience meets AI (And What’s in Store for the
Future), Neurips Tutorial 2020.
Naselaris, T., Kay, K.N., Nishimoto, S. and Gallant, J.L., 2011. Encoding and decoding in fMRI.
Neuroimage, 56(2), pp.400-410.
Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M. and Bandettini, P.A., 2008. Representational similarity analysis-connecting the
branches of systems neuroscience. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, p.4.
Kornblith, S., Norouzi, M., Lee, H. and Hinton, G., 2019, May. Similarity of neural network
representations revisited. In International conference on machine learning (pp. 3519-3529). PMLR.
Wehbe, L., Vaswani, A., Knight, K., and Mitchell, T., 2014. Aligning context-based statistical models of
language with brain activity during reading. In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 233-243.
Yamins, D.L. and DiCarlo, J.J., 2016. Using goal-driven deep learning models to understand sensory
cortex. Nature neuroscience, 19(3), pp.356-365.
Schrimpf, M., Kubilius, J., Hong, H., Majaj, N.J., Rajalingham, R., Issa, E.B., Kar, K., Bashivan, P.,
Prescott-Roy, J., Geiger, F. and Schmidt, K., 2018. Brain-score: Which artificial neural network for object
recognition is most brain-like?. BioRxiv, p.407007.
Maheswaranathan, N.*, McIntosh, L.T.*, Tanaka, H.*, Grant, S.*, Kastner, D.B., Melander, J.B., Nayebi,
A., Brezovec, L., Wang, J., Ganguli, S., and Baccus, S.A. 2023. Interpreting the retinal neural code for
natural scenes: from computations to neurons. Neuron, 111: 2742-2755.
Nayebi, A., Sagastuy-Brena, J., Bear, D.M., Kar, K., Kubilius, J., Ganguli, S., Sussillo, D., DiCarlo,
J.J., and Yamins, D.L.K. 2022. Recurrent connections in the primate ventral visual stream mediate a tradeoff
between task performance and network size during core object recognition. Neural Computation, 34: 1652-1675.
Zhuang, C., Yan, S., Nayebi, A., Schrimpf, M., Frank, M.C., DiCarlo, J.J., and Yamins, D.L.K. 2021.
Unsupervised neural network models of the ventral visual stream. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 118.
Nayebi, A.*, Kong, N.C.L.*, Zhuang, C., Gardner, J.L., Norcia, A.M., and Yamins, D.L.K. 2023. Mouse
visual cortex as a limited resource system that self-learns an ecologically-general representation. PLOS
Computational Biology, 19: 1-36.
Nayebi, A., Attinger, A., Campbell, M.G., Hardcastle, K., Low, I.I.C., Mallory, C.S., Mel, G.C.,
Sorscher, B., Williams, A.H., Ganguli, S., Giocomo, L.M., and Yamins, D.L.K. 2021. Explaining heterogeneity
in medial entorhinal cortex with task-driven neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (NeurIPS), 34.
Nayebi, A., Rajalingham, R., Jazayeri, M., and Yang, G.R. 2023. Neural foundations of mental simulation:
future prediction of latent representations on dynamic scenes. Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (NeurIPS), 36: 70548–70561.
Huth, A.G., De Heer, W.A., Griffiths, T.L., Theunissen, F.E. and Gallant, J.L., 2016. Natural speech
reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex. Nature, 532(7600), pp.453-458.
Guest, O. and Martin, A.E., 2023. On logical inference over brains, behaviour, and artificial neural
networks. Computational Brain & Behavior, pp.1-15.
Schrimpf, M., Blank, I.A., Tuckute, G., Kauf, C., Hosseini, E.A., Kanwisher, N., Tenenbaum, J.B. and
Fedorenko, E., 2021. The neural architecture of language: Integrative modeling converges on predictive
processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(45), p.e2105646118.
St-Yves, G., Allen, E.J., Wu, Y., Kay, K. and Naselaris, T., 2023. Brain-optimized deep neural network
models of human visual areas learn non-hierarchical representations. Nature communications, 14(1), p.3329.
Toneva, M., Mitchell, T.M. and Wehbe, L., 2022. Combining computational controls with natural text
reveals aspects of meaning composition. Nature computational science, 2(11), pp.745-757.
Reddy, A.J. and Wehbe, L., 2020. Syntactic representations in the human brain: beyond effort-based
metrics. BioRxiv, pp.2020-06.
Makin, J.G., Moses, D.A. and Chang, E.F., 2020. Machine translation of cortical activity to text with an
encoder–decoder framework. Nature neuroscience, 23(4), pp.575-582.
Willett, F.R., Kunz, E.M., Fan, C., Avansino, D.T., Wilson, G.H., Choi, E.Y., Kamdar, F., Glasser, M.F.,
Hochberg, L.R., Druckmann, S. and Shenoy, K.V., 2023. A high-performance speech neuroprosthesis. Nature,
Cross, L., Cockburn, J., Yue, Y. and O’Doherty, J.P., 2021. Using deep reinforcement learning to reveal
how the brain encodes abstract state-space representations in high-dimensional environments. Neuron, 109(4),
Francl, A. and McDermott, J.H., 2022. Deep neural network models of sound localization reveal how
perception is adapted to real-world environments. Nature human behaviour, 6(1), pp.111-133.
Tang, J., LeBel, A., Jain, S. and Huth, A.G., 2023. Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from
non-invasive brain recordings. Nature Neuroscience, pp.1-9.
Caucheteux, C., Gramfort, A. and King, J.R., 2023. Evidence of a predictive coding hierarchy in the human
brain listening to speech. Nature human behaviour, 7(3), pp.430-441.
Tentative schedule, might change according to class progress and interest.
The course is a 12 unit class. The graded components are as follows: (these percentages might change a bit
before the start of the Spring semester)
15% Reading. Each week, a paper will be assigned and the class will begin with a short
quiz on that paper (the 10 best scores will be counted towards the grade).
15% Participation. You will be graded on your participation in class discussions and in-class debates.
20% Homework.
50% Class Project. The project is expected to target a new scientific problem or target an existing
problem in a new way. Success in evaluating the project hypothesis is not necessary for a good project. The
final deliverable will be a NeurIPS style paper and a class presentation. There will be multiple milestones
for the project, which we will announce in class.
Course Policies
This course is a discussion-based course and therefore attendance is essential for benefiting from it and
contributing to it. Attendance will not be directly graded but participation will. We understand that some
events such as conferences will lead to absence. Please communicate your absence in advance to the course staff.
There will be some allowance in the grade for a few absences.
Discussion of class material is heavily encouraged. Collaboration in homework assignments is allowed as long as
it's properly reported. Project collaboration is expected (projects are done in groups), and is allowed across
groups as well.
Academic Integrity
We have a zero tolerance policy for violation of class policies. If you are in any doubt in regards to the
policy, please clarify with the course staff before proceeding.
Late homework policy
The maximum earnable points for each assignment will drop by 20% per late day.
Take care of yourself
Take care of yourself. Do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle this semester by eating well,
exercising, avoiding drugs and alcohol, getting enough sleep and taking some time to relax. This
will help you achieve your goals and cope with stress.
All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. There are many helpful resources
available on campus and an important part of the college experience is learning how to ask for
help. Asking for support sooner rather than later is almost always helpful.
If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like
anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Counseling and
Psychological Services (CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and visit their website
at Consider reaching out to a
friend, faculty or family
member you trust for help getting connected to the support that can help.
If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone
immediately, day or night:
CaPS: 412-268-2922
Re:solve Crisis Network: 888-796-8226
If the situation is life threatening, call the police