Yong Lu
Wean Hall 4104
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(click to see)
Phone: 412-268-3564
(My name in Chinese: 吕邕)
I have moved to Harvard Medical School. My current homepage is here.
I was a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at CMU, advised by Drs.
Ziv Bar-Joseph and Roni Rosenfeld. I was
a member of the CMU Systems Biology Group
My OpenPGP Public Key ID is B397E6F6, and the fingerprint is
689D 99E1 0D99 3062 18D1
0424 8A91 84D6 B397 E6F6
You can find my contact info here.
- Y. Lu, R. Rosenfeld, I. Simon, G.J. Nau and Z. Bar-Joseph,
A Probabilistic Generative Model for GO Enrichment Analysis,
Nucleic Acids Research 2008, doi:10.1093/nar/gkn434.
(Also presented at
RECOMB Satellite Conference on Systems Biology, 2007.)
| html
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| conference website
Y. Lu, S. Mahony, P.V. Benos, R. Rosenfeld, I. Simon, L.L. Breeden and Z. Bar-Joseph,
Selecting a threshold for identifying cell cycle genes, Genome Biology, 9:403, 2008.
| pdf
] (correspondence -- our response is in the second part)
- Z. Bar-Joseph, Z. Siegfried, M. Brandeis, B. Brors, Y. Lu, R. Eils, B. D. Dynlacht and I.
Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the human cell cycle identifies genes
differentially regulated in normal and cancer cells,
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105:955-960, 2008
(Also accepted by ISMB 2008 Highlights Track)
| pdf
| supporting information
| CMU News Release
| Post Gazette
- Y. Lu, S. Mahony, P.V. Benos, R. Rosenfeld, I. Simon, L.L. Breeden and Z. Bar-Joseph,
Combined Analysis Reveals a Core Set of Cycling Genes,
Genome Biology, 8:R146, 2007
(Also presented at ISMB 2008 Highlights Track, Jul 19-23, Toronto)
- Y. Lu, R. Rosenfeld and Z. Bar-Joseph,
Identifying Cycling Genes by Combining Sequence Homology and Expression Data,
Bioinformatics, 22(14):e314-322, 2006.
Presented at
ISMB 2006, Aug 7-10, Fortaleza, Brazil.
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- TA for Machine Learning (10-601), Fall 2007.
- TA for Formal Languages, Automata, and Computation (15-453), Spring 2008.
This page was last modified on Sat, Dec 06, 2008, 05:55:19 EST