I am no longer at CMU. See updated contact information below.

Mark Derthick
Mark Derthick portrait Mark Derthick

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Interactive Information Visualization
Intelligent Information Retrieval
Knowledge Representation
Exploratory Data Analysis
Visual Query Languages

Quest Don’t forget about “me.”
Did the Psalmist write “He maketh myself to lie down in green pastures?”
Does the song go “I shouted out, who killed the Kennedys/When after all, it was you and I?” 

and another thing “Exponential growth” and “quantum leap” do not mean “a lot.”
My savings account is growing exponentially at 0.58%.
The largest quantum leap for a hydrogen electron is 10^-16 ergs, about enough to run a firefly for a femtosecond.
I am an ISTJ church lady. Ugh. Erg.

Mark Derthick markderthick@gmail.com
Last update: 11 November 2017