1. lookup As mentioned during the HTCLAGS talk, the lookup program does not work on the FC3 machines yet. You can get a workaround by putting the following in your shell initialization: alias mylookup "ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.srv.cs.cmu.edu -b \ dc=cs,dc=cmu,dc=edu \ -QLLL '(|(uid=\!*)(&(cn=*\!**)(!(cn=*-*))))' mailRoutingAddress cn" Then, mylookup does the right thing. 2. MATLAB It was also mentioned that we don't have working MATLAB on the FC3 machines yet. You can get around that by running MATLAB as env MATLAB_JAVA=/afs/cs/misc/jre/i386_rh80/1.4.2/libexec/j2re1.4.2 \ matlab -arch=glnx86 --------------------- Thanks to Jeff Baird for suggesting these workarounds.