HyCoM-FIT is a free software for the identification of communities following the hyperbolic model in graphs. It's a fast and effective method that can be applied to graphs with millions of nodes and edges.
HyCoM-FIT has been successful in detecting communities in social networks and in identifying interesting clusters in the Wikipedia-articles graph.
What do real communities in social networks look like? Community detection plays a key role in understanding the structure of real-life graphs with impact on recommendation systems, load balancing and routing. Previous community detection methods look for uniform blocks in adjacency matrices. However, after studying four real networks with ground-truth communities, we provide empirical evidence that communities are best represented as having an hyperbolic structure. We detail HyCoM - the Hyperbolic Community Model - as a better representation of communities and the relationships between their members, and show improvements in compression compared to standard methods.
We also introduce HyCoM-FIT, a fast, parameter free algorithm to detect communities with hyperbolic structure. We show that our method is effective in finding communities with a similar structure to self-declared ones. We report findings in real social networks, including a community in a blogging platform with over 34 million edges in which more than 1000 users established over 300000 relations.
java -jar comdet.jar <path to configuration file>
HyCoM-FIT is included as part of a community detection framework. Users specify their network and community detection method by editing simple configuration files passed as arguments to the framework.
You can try a simple example by running java -jar comdet.jar
; more examples can be found under examples/
Configuration files have a very simple structure and are very self-explanatory. We suggest the user to start by editing an existing file. The following are mandatory options:
The following options related to termination are optional. By default, the algorithm will terminate once all non-zeros (edges) have been explained in a community (full deflation).