Richard L. Martinmartin+@cs.cmu.edu(412)268-7617 or (412)268-1523
Evolutionary Systems Lab
The Evolutionary Development Life Cycle is the integration of processes, methods, tools, and risk management techniques for defining the organizational tasks, people, and information system relationships and quickly developing highly useful, evolutionary information systems in a predictable way. They are collectively referred to as EDLC practices and include the integration of the classical notions of process and software development environment. Building systems using the EDLC model is defined as evolutionary development.
The work of the ES Lab includes software systems for distributed, collaborative decision making, wearable computers, and distance learning.
Richard Martin's education includes a B.S. from the U.S. Naval Academy where he stood first in the class in Electrical Engineering, and an M.S. and Ph.D., except for dissertation, in Mathematics from the University of California at San Diego. He is a member of the IEEE, ACM, and AAAI.