Fall 2011 Course Information



Class meetings: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 3:00-4:20PM, PH A18B
E-mail list: There is a class mailing list which will be used for announcements and discussion.
Course calendar: Schedule of class topics and assignments
Course mechanics: Administrative matters such as assignments, grading policy, late days
Textbook: There is an optional book for the class: Artificial Intelligence for Games. We will also be posting lectures which are partially based on the book, so you don't have to buy the book if you can follow the lectures.


Who Email
Maxim Likhachev

Teaching Assistants

Who Email
Mike Phillips
John Drake

Office Hours

Instructor and TAs will hold regularly scheduled office hours.

Who Location Hours
Maxim Likhachev NSH 3211 Thu, 9-10AM & by appointment
Mike Phillips Gates 4211 Wed, 5-7PM
John Drake NSH 1612 Fri, 10AM-12PM

Course Description

The goal of the course is two-fold. The first goal is to teach students some of the higher-level techniques that are currently not covered in other computer graphics classes but are necessary to implement interesting computer games. In particular, a large emphasis will be on game AI. The second goal of the class is to get students familiar with programming games on various platforms using state-of-the-art game engines. To this end, the course will have a heavy programming focus. It will have a number of projects requiring students to apply the learned material to develop games for a standalone PC, for a mobile phone and for a Massively Multi-player Online environment.