Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for Behavioral
Maxim Likhachev and Ronald C. Arkin
Mobile Robot Laboratory
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology,
This paper
presents the application of a Case-Based Reasoning approach to the selection
and modification of behavioral assemblage parameters. The goal of this research
is to reduce the process of defining a large set of robotic behaviors to
defining only a small set of orthogonal behaviors. The case-based reasoning
module selects a set of parameters for an active behavioral assemblage in
real-time. This set of parameters fits the environment better than hand-coded
ones, and its performance is monitored providing feedback for a possible
reselection of the parameters. This paper places a significant emphasis on the
technical details of the case-based reasoning module and how it is integrated
within a schema-based reactive navigation system. The paper also presents the
results and evaluation of the system in both in simulation and real world
robotic experiments.
terms: Case-Based Reasoning, Behavior-Based
Robotics, Reactive Robotics.