The enormous growth of on-line information, has led to a comparable growth in the need for methods that help users organize such information. One area in particular that has seen much recent research activity is the use of automated learning techniques to categorize text documents. Such methods are useful for addressing problems including, but not limited to: keyword tagging, word sense disambiguation, information filtering and routing, sentence parsing, clustering of related documents and classification of documents into pre-defined topics.
The aim of this workshop is to examine recent theoretical, methodological, and practical innovations from the various communities interested in text categorization. The workshop will cover recent advances from such fields as Machine Learning, Bayesian Networks, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Case-Based Reasoning, Language Modeling and Speech Recognition. By analyzing the different underlying assumptions and state-of-the-art methodologies used in text categorization research, as well as successful applications of this work, we hope to foster new interactions between researchers in this area.
Particular topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: text representations, classification methods, clustering methods, formal models, feature selection and data transformation methods, evaluation metrics, and innovative applications of text categorization systems. A more detailed list can be found here.
The workshop will include paper presentations, invited talks, and numerous opportunities for discussion. Those interested in making a presentation should submit a paper (4-8 pages) describing their recent work in text categorization. Submissions regarding work in progress and preliminary results are encouraged. Those interested in participating in the workshop, but not submitting a paper, should submit a one-page abstract of their research interests in learning methods for text categorization. Attendence is limited to 50 participants.
The list of accepted papers and posters is in the workshop program.
March 11, 1998 Submission deadline April 1, 1998 Notification to authors April 22, 1998 Camera-ready copies due July 27, 1998 Workshop date
Paper and abstract submissions can be sent via electronic mail as a PostScript document, or a URL to a PostScript document to: Alternatively, 5 hard copies of the paper or abstract can be sent to:
Thorsten Joachims Universitaet Dortmund FB Informatik VIII 44221 Dortmund Germany Phone: +49/231/755-5102 FAX: +49/231/755-5105