BibTeX entries for some of Mihai Budiu's publications
(for the ones somebody may want to cite)
author = {Mart{\'\i}n Abadi and {\'U}lfar Erlingsson and Jay Ligatti and Mihai Budiu},
title = {Control-Flow Integrity},
institution = {Microsoft Research},
number = {MSR-TR-2005-18},
pages = {12},
month = {February},
year = {2005},
abstract = {Current software attacks often build on exploits that
subvert machine-code execution. The enforcement of a basic
safety property, Control-Flow Integrity (CFI), can prevent
such attacks from arbitrarily controlling program behavior.
CFI enforcement is simple, and its guarantees can be
established formally, even with respect to powerful
adversaries. Moreover, CFI enforcement is practical: it is
compatible with existing software and can be efficiently
implemented using software rewriting in commodity systems.
Finally, CFI provides a useful foundation for enforcing
further security policies, such as policies that constrain
the use of data memory.},
url = {}
key = {TR 05a},
author = {{\'U}lfar Erlingsson and Mihai Budiu and Mart{\'\i}n Abadi and Jay Ligatti},
title = {A Theory of Secure Control Flow},
institution = {Microsoft Research},
number = {MSR-TR-2005-17},
pages = {12},
month = {February},
year = {2005},
abstract = {Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) means that the execution of a
program dynamically follows only certain paths, in
accordance with a static policy. CFI can prevent attacks
that, by exploiting buffer overflows and other
vulnerabilities, attempt to control program behavior. This
paper develops the basic theory that underlies two
practical techniques for CFI enforcement, with precise
formulations of hypotheses and guarantees.},
url = {}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Inter-Iteration Scalar Replacement in the Presence of Conditional Control-Flow},
booktitle = {Workshop on Optimizations for {DSP} and Embedded Systems
pages = {20--29},
address = {San Jose, CA},
month = {March},
year = {2005},
abstract = {A large class of multimedia programs for embedded systems
manipulate data represented as dense matrices. In this
paper we revisit the classical optimization of scalar
replacement of array elements and pointer accesses; this
optimization allocates array elements to registers,
reducing memory traffic. We generalize the state-of-the-art
algorithm, by Carr and Kennedy~\cite{carr-spe94}, improving
it to handle simultaneously both conditional control-flow
and inter-iteration data reuse. Our algorithm operates
within the same assumptions of the classical one (perfect
dependence information), and has the same limitations
(increased register pressure). It is, however, optimal in
the sense that within each code region where scalar
promotion is applied, given sufficient registers, each
memory location is read/written at most once.},
url = {}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Pedro V. Artigas and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Dataflow: A Complement to Superscalar},
booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of
Systems and Software (ISPASS)},
pages = {177-187},
address = {Austin, TX},
month = {March},
year = {2005},
abstract = {There has been a resurgence of interest in dataflow
architectures, because of their potential for exploiting
parallelism with low overhead. In this paper we analyze the
performance of a class of static dataflow machines on
integer media and control-intensive programs and we explain
why a dataflow machine, even with unlimited resources, does
not always outperform a superscalar processor on
general-purpose codes, under the assumption that both
machines take the same time to execute basic operations. We
compare a program-specific dataflow machine with unlimited
parallelism to a superscalar processor running the same
program. While the dataflow machines provide very good
performance on most data-parallel programs, we show that
the dataflow machine cannot always take advantage of the
available parallelism. Using the dynamic critical path we
investigate the mechanisms used by superscalar processors
to provide a performance advantage and their impact on a
dataflow model.},
url = {},
acceptancerate = {27/92 = 29\%}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Girish Venkataramani and Tiberiu Chelcea and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Spatial Computation},
booktitle = {International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
pages = {14--26},
address = {Boston, MA},
month = {October},
year = {2004},
abstract = {This paper describes a computer architecture that relies
on the direct translation of high-level language programs
into {\em Spatial Computation} (SC) hardware structures. SC
program implementations are completely distributed, without
any centralized control. SC circuits are optimized for {\em
wires} at the expense of computation units. \par In this
paper we investigate a particular implementation SC
structures called ASH (Application-Specific Hardware).
Under the assumption that computation is cheaper than
communication, ASH replicates computation units to simplify
interconnect, building a system which uses very simple,
completely dedicated communication channels. As a
consequence, communication on the datapath never requires
arbitration; the only arbitration required is for accessing
memory. ASH relies on very simple hardware primitives,
using no associative structures, no multiported register
files, no scheduling logic, no broadcast, and no clocks. As
a consequence, ASH hardware is fast and extremely power
efficient. \par In this work we demonstrate three features
of ASH: (1) that such architectures can be built by
automatic compilation of C programs, (2) that distributed
computation is in some respects fundamentally different
from monolithic superscalar processors and (3) that ASIC
implementations of ASH use 3 orders of magnitude less
energy compared to high-end superscalar processors, while
being within a factor of two in performance.},
url = {},
doi = {},
acceptancerate = {24/169 = 14\%}
author = {Girish Venkataramani and Mihai Budiu and Tiberiu Chelcea and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {{C} to Asynchronous Dataflow Circuits: An End-to-End Toolflow},
booktitle = {International Workshop on Logic synthesis (IWLS)},
pages = {501--508},
address = {Temecula, CA},
month = {June},
year = {2004},
abstract = {We present a complete toolflow that translates ANSI-C
programs into asynchronous circuits. The toolflow is built
around a compiler that converts C into a functional
dataflow intermediate representation, exposing
instruction-level, pipeline and memory parallelism. The
compiler performs optimizations and converts the
intermediate representation into pipelined asynchronous
circuits, with no centralized controllers. In the resulting
circuits, control is distributed, communication is achieved
through local wires, and arbitration for datapath resources
is unnecessary. Circuits automatically synthesized from
Mediabench kernels exhibit substantially better
energy-delay than either single-issue processors or
aggressive superscalar cores.},
note = {(full paper)},
url = {}
author = {David Koes and Mihai Budiu and Girish Venkataramani and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Programmer Specified Pointer Independence},
booktitle = {Workshop on Memory System Performance (MSP)},
month = {June},
year = {2004},
abstract = {Good alias analysis is essential in order to achieve high
performance on modern processors, yet interprocedural
analysis does not scale well. We present a source code
annotation, {\tt \#pragma independent}, which is a more
flexible, intuitive and useful way for the programmer to
provide pointer aliasing information than the current C99
{\tt restrict} keyword. We describe a tool which highlights
the most important and most likely correct locations at
which a programmer can insert the pragmas. We show that
such annotations can be used effectively in compilers to
achieve speedups of up to 1.2x.},
note = {Also as TR CMU-CS-03-123},
url = {}
key = {PhD Thesis 03},
author = {Mihai Budiu},
title = {Spatial Computation},
school = {Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Department},
number = {CMU-CS-03-217},
pages = {225},
month = {December},
year = {2003},
abstract = {This thesis presents a compilation framework for
translating ANSI C programs into hardware dataflow
machines. The framework is embodied in the CASH compiler, a
Compiler for Application-Specific Hardware. CASH generates
asynchronous hardware circuits that directly implement the
functionality of the source program, without using any
interpretative structures. This style of computation is
dubbed ``Spatial Computation''. CASH relies extensively on
predication and speculation for building efficient hardware
circuits. \par The first part of this document describes
Pegasus, the internal representation of CASH, and a series
of novel program transformations performed by CASH, the
most notable of which are a new optimal register-promotion
algorithm and partial redundancy elimination for memory
accesses based on predicate manipulation. \par The second
part of this document evaluates the performance of the
generated circuits using simulation. Using media processing
benchmarks, we show that for the domain of embedded
computation, the circuits generated by CASH can sustain
high levels of instruction level parallelism, due to the
effective use of dataflow software pipelining. A comparison
of Spatial Computation and superscalar processors
highlights some of the weaknesses of our model of
computation, such as the lack of branch prediction and
register renaming. \par The results presented in this
document can be applied in several domains: (1) most of the
compiler optimizations are applicable to traditional
compilers for high-level languages (2) CASH itself can be
used as a hardware synthesis tool for very fast
system-on-a-chip prototyping directly from C sources, (3)
the compilation framework we describe can be applied to the
translation of imperative languages to dataflow machines,
(4) we have extended the dataflow machine model to
encompass predication, data-speculation and
control-speculation, and (5) the tool-chain described and
some specific optimizations, such as lenient execution, and
pipeline balancing, can be used for synthesis and
optimization of asynchronous hardware.},
note = {Technical report CMU-CS-03-217},
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author = {Seth Goldstein and Mihai Budiu and Mahim Mishra and Girish Venkataramani},
title = {Reconfigurable Computing and Electronic Nanotechnology},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors},
pages = {132--143},
address = {Hague, the Netherlands},
month = {June 24-26},
year = {2003},
abstract = {In this paper we examine the opportunities brought about
by recent progress in electronic nanotechnology and
describe the methods needed to harness them for building a
new computer architecture. In this process we decompose
some traditional abstractions, such as the transistor, into
fine-grain pieces, such as signal restoration and
input-output isolation. We also show how we can forgo the
extreme reliability of CMOS circuits for low-cost chemical
self-assembly at the expense of large manufacturing defect
densities. We discuss advanced testing methods which can be
used to recover perfect functionality from unreliable
parts. We proceed to show how the molecular switch, the
regularity of the circuits created by self-assembly and the
high defect densities logically require the use of
reconfigurable hardware as a basic building block for
hardware design. We then capitalize on the convergence of
compilation and hardware synthesis (which takes place when
programming reconfigurable hardware) to propose the
complete elimination of the instruction-set architecture
from the system architecture, and the synthesis of
asynchronous dataflow machines directly from high-level
programming languages, such as C. We discuss in some detail
a scalable compilation system that perform this task.},
note = {Invited paper},
url = {},
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author = {Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Optimizing Memory Accesses For Spatial Computation},
booktitle = {International ACM/IEEE Symposium on Code Generation and
Optimization (CGO)},
pages = {216--227},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
month = {March 23--26},
year = {2003},
abstract = {In this paper we present the internal representation and
optimizations used by the CASH compiler for improving the
memory parallelism of pointer-based programs. CASH uses an
SSA-based representation for memory, which compactly
summarizes both control-flow and dependence information. In
CASH, memory optimization is a four-step process: (1) first
an initial, relatively coarse, representation of memory
dependences is built; (2) next, unnecessary memory
dependences are removed using dependence tests; (3) third,
redundant memory operations are removed (4) finally,
parallelism is increased by pipelining memory accesses in
loops. While the first three steps above are very general,
the loop pipelining transformations are particularly
applicable for spatial computation, which is the primary
target of CASH. The redundant memory removal optimizations
presented are: load/store hoisting (subsuming partial
redundancy elimination and common-subexpression
elimination), load-after-store removal, store-before-store
removal (dead store removal) and loop-invariant load
motion. One of our loop pipelining transformations is a new
form of loop parallelization, called loop decoupling. This
transformation separates independent memory accesses within
a loop body into several independent loops, which are
allowed dynamically to slip with respect to each other. A
new computational primitive, a token generator is used to
dynamically control the amount of slip, allowing maximum
freedom, while guaranteeing that no memory dependences are
url = {},
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key = {Chapter 03},
author = {Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu},
editor = {Mark A. Reed and Takhee Lee},
title = {Molecules, Gates, Circuits, Computers},
chapter = {in Molecular Nanoelectronics},
pages = {327--388},
publisher = {American Scientific Publishers},
month = {January},
year = {2003},
url = {}
key = {FPL 02a},
author = {Girish Venkataramani and Suraj Sudhir and Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Factors Influencing the Performance of a CPU-RFU Hybrid Architecture},
booktitle = {International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and
Applications (FPL)},
pages = {955--965},
address = {Montpellier (La Grande-Motte), France},
month = {September},
year = {2002},
abstract = {Closely coupling a reconfigurable fabric with a
conventional processor has been shown to successfully
improve the system performance. However, today s
superscalar pro-cessors are both complex and adept at
extracting Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP), which
introduces many complex issues to the design of a hybrid
CPU-RFU system. This paper examines the design of a
superscalar processor augmented with a closely-coupled
recon-figurable fabric. It identifies architectural and
compiler issues that affect the performance of the overall
system. Previous efforts at combining a processor core with
a reconfigurable fabric are examined in the light of these
issues. We also present simulation results that emphasize
the impact of these factors.},
url = {},
url2 = {}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Compiling Application-Specific Hardware},
booktitle = {International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and
Applications (FPL)},
pages = {853--863},
address = {Montpellier (La Grande-Motte), France},
month = {September 2--4},
year = {2002},
abstract = {In this paper we describe ASH, an architectural framework
for implementing Application-Specific Hardware. ASH is
based on automatic hardware synthesis from high-level
languages. The generated circuits use only localized
computation structures; in consequence, we expect these
circuits to be fast, to use little power and to scale well
with program complexity. \par We present in detail CASH, a
scalable compiler framework for ASH, which generates
hardware from programs written in C. Our compiler exploits
instruction level parallelism by using aggressive
speculation and dynamic scheduling. Based on this
compilation scheme, we evaluate the computational resources
necessary for implementing complex integer-based programs,
and we suggest architectural features that would support
the ASH framework.},
url = {},
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author = {Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Pegasus: An Efficient Intermediate Representation},
institution = {Carnegie Mellon University},
number = {CMU-CS-02-107},
pages = {20},
month = may,
year = {2002},
abstract = {We present Pegasus, a compact and expressive intermediate
representation for imperative languages. The representation
is suitable for target architectures supporting predicated
execution and aggressive speculation. In Pegasus
information about the global dataflow of the program is
encoded in local structures, enabling compact and efficient
algorithms for program optimizations. As a proof of the
versatility of Pegasus, we have used it in a compiler
translating C programs to hardware implementations.},
url = {},
url2 = {}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Mahim Mishra and Ashwin Bharambe and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Peer-to-peer Hardware-Software Interfaces for Reconfigurable Fabrics},
booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing
Machines (FCCM)},
pages = {57--66},
address = {Napa Valley, CA},
month = {April},
year = {2002},
abstract = {In this paper we describe a peer-to-peer interface between
processor cores and reconfigurable fabrics. The main
advantage of the peer-to-peer model is that it greatly
expands the scope of application for reconfigurable
computing and hence its potential benefits. The primary
extension in our model is that ``code'' on the
reconfigurable hardware unit is allowed to invoke routines
both on the reconfigurable unit itself and on the fixed
logic processor. We describe the software constructs and
compilation mechanisms needed for such an architecture,
including a detailed description of the interface between
the two parts of the application.},
url = {},
url2 = {}
author = {Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu},
title = {{NanoFabrics}: Spatial Computing Using Molecular Electronics},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)},
pages = {178--189},
address = {G\"{o}teborg, Sweden},
year = {2001},
abstract = {The continuation of the remarkable exponential increases
in processing power over the recent past faces imminent
challenges due in part to the physics of deep-submicron
CMOS devices and the costs of both chip masks and future
fabrication plants. A promising solution to these problems
is offered by an alternative to CMOS-based computing,
chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology (CAEN). In
this paper we outline how CAEN based computing can become a
reality. We briefly describe recent work in CAEN and how
CAEN will affect computer architecture. We show how the
inherently reconfigurable natures of CAEN devices can be
exploited to provide high-density chips with defect
tolerance which will significantly reduce the cost of
manufacturing. After developing the basic building blocks
of a CAEN based computing devices we present some
preliminary results which indicate that CAEN based
computing devices can meet or exceed the performance of
CMOS based devices.},
url = {},
doi = {},
acceptancerate = {24/163 = 15\%}
key = {EuroPar 00},
author = {Mihai Budiu and Majd Sakr and Kip Walker and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {{BitValue} Inference: Detecting and Exploiting Narrow Bitwidth Computations},
booktitle = {European Conference on Parallel Processing (EUROPAR)},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1900},
pages = {969--979},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
address = {M\"{u}nich, Germany},
year = {2000},
abstract = {We present a compiler algorithm called BitValue, which can
discover both unused and constant bits in dusty-deck C
programs. BitValue uses forward and backward dataflow
analyses, generalizing constant-folding and dead-code
detection at the bit-level. This algorithm enables compiler
optimizations which target special processor architectures
for computing on non-standard bitwidths. Using this
algorithm we show that up to 31\% of the computed bytes are
thrown away (for programs from SpecINT95 and Mediabench). A
compiler for reconfigurable hardware uses this algorithm to
achieve substantial reductions (up to 20-fold) in the size
of the synthesized circuits.},
note = {An expanded version is in TR 00},
url = {},
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key = {Computer 00},
author = {Seth Copen Goldstein and Herman Schmit and Mihai Budiu and Srihari Cadambi and Matt Moe and Reed Taylor},
title = {{PipeRench}: A Reconfigurable Architecture and Compiler},
journal = {IEEE Computer},
volume = {33},
number = {4},
pages = {70--77},
month = {April},
year = {2000},
abstract = {With the proliferation of highly specialized embedded
computer systems has come a diversification of workloads
for computing devices. General-purpose processors are
struggling to efficiently meet these applications'
disparate needs, and custom hardware is rarely feasible.
According to the authors, reconfigurable computing, which
combines the flexibility of general-purpose processors with
the efficiency of custom hardware, can provide the
alternative. PipeRench and its associated compiler comprise
the authors' new architecture for reconfigurable computing.
Combined with a traditional digital signal processor,
microcontroller or general-purpose processor, PipeRench can
support a system's various computing needs without
requiring custom hardware. The authors describe the
PipeRench architecture and how it solves some of the
pre-existing problems with FPGA architectures, such as
logic granularity, configuration time, forward
compatibility, hard constraints and compilation time.},
url = {},
url2 = {}
author = {Seth Copen Goldstein and Herman Schmit and Matthew Moe and Mihai Budiu and Srihari Cadambi and R. Reed Taylor and Ronald Laufer},
title = {{PipeRench}: a Coprocessor for Streaming Multimedia Acceleration},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)},
pages = {28--39},
address = {Atlanta, GA},
year = {1999},
abstract = {Future computing workloads will emphasize an
architecture's ability to perform relatively simple
calculations on massive quantities of mixed-width data.
This paper describes a novel reconfigurable fabric
architecture, PipeRench, optimized to accelerate these
types of computations. PipeRench enables fast, robust
compilers, supports forward compatibility, and virtualizes
configurations, thus removing the fixed size constraint
present in other fabrics. For the first time we explore how
the bit-width of processing elements affects performance
and show how the PipeRench architecture has been optimized
to balance the needs of the compiler against the realities
of silicon. Finally, we demonstrate extreme performance
speedup on certain computing kernels (up to 190x versus a
modern RISC processor), and analyze how this acceleration
translates to application speedup.},
url = {},
doi = {},
acceptancerate = {26/135=19\%}
author = {Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein},
title = {Fast Compilation for Pipelined Reconfigurable Fabrics},
booktitle = {ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGA)},
pages = {195--205},
address = {Monterey, CA},
year = {1999},
abstract = {In this paper we describe a compiler which quickly
synthesizes high quality pipelined datapaths for pipelined
reconfigurable devices. The compiler uses the same internal
representation to perform synthesis, module generation,
optimization, and place and route. The core of the compiler
is a linear time place and route algorithm more than two
orders of magnitude faster than traditional CAD tools. The
key behind our approach is that we never backtrack, rip-up,
or re-route. Instead, the graph representing the
computation is preprocessed to guarantee routability by
inserting lazy noops. The preprocessing steps provides
enough information to make a greedy strategy feasible. The
compilation speed is approximately 3000
bit-operations/second (on a PII/400Mhz) for a wide range of
applications. The hardware utilization averages 60\% on the
target device, PipeRench.},
url = {},
doi = {}
author = {Kenneth P. Birman and Mark Hayden and Oznur Oskasap and Zhen Xiao and Mihai Budiu and Yaron Minsky},
title = {Bimodal Multicast},
journal = {Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS)},
volume = {17},
number = {2},
pages = {41--88},
month = may,
year = {1999},
abstract = {There are many methods for making a multicast protocol
``reliable''. At one end of thespectrum, a reliable
multicast protocol might offer atomicity guarantees, such
as all-ornothing delivery, delivery ordering, and perhaps
additional properties such as virtuallysynchronous
addressing. At the other are protocols that use local
repair to overcome transient packet loss in the network,
offering ``best effort'' reliability. Yet none of this
priorwork has treated stability of multicast delivery as a
basic reliability property, such as might be needed in an
internet radio, TV, or conferencing application. This paper
looks atreliability with a new goal: development of a
multicast protocol which is reliable in a sense that can be
rigorously quantified and includes throughput stability
guarantees. We characterize this new protocol as a
``bimodal multicast'' in reference to its reliability
model, which corresponds to a family of bimodal probability
distributions. Here, we introduce theprotocol, provide a
theoretical analysis of its behavior, review experimental
results, and discuss some candidate applications. These
confirm that bimodal multicast is reliable,scalable, and
that the protocol provides remarkably stable delivery
url = {},
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