A newer list (9/14/2000) that contains papers recommended for upcoming meetings.
Announcement (8/31/2000): The weekly meeting is rescheduled to Wednesday 12:00-2:00pm at NSH 4201.
Date | Presenter | Paper(s) | |
Nov 8 | Peng | TBA | |
Nov 3 | Shyjan ? | TBA | |
Oct 25 | Chuck | J. Winn and C. Bishop, Non-linear Bayesian Image Modelling
European Conference on Computer Vision, Dublin, 2000 |
Oct 18 | Frank | Localization with bearing measurements | |
Oct 11 | Owen | Trygve Randen and John Hakon Husoy. Texture Segmentation Using Filters With Optimized Energy Separation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, v. 8, #4, April 1999. | |
Oct 4 | Goksel |
Viola, Complex feature recognition: a bayesian approach for learning to recognize objects, AI memo. |
Sept 27 | Cristian | C.-P. Lu, G.D. Hager, and E. Mjolsness, Fast and Globally Convergent Pose Estimation from Video Images, TPAMI, June 2000 | |
Sept 20 | George | G. Stetten, Medial Node Models to Identify and Measure Objects in Real Time 3D Echocardiography, IEEE Tran. Medical Imaging, Vol. 18, No. 10, 1999 | |
Sept 13 | Dennis | R. Myers, R. Wilson and E. Hancock, Bayesian Graph Edit Distance, PAMI Vol. 22, No. 6, 2000. | |
Sept 8 | Peng | Y. Boykov, etc. A new Bayesian framework for object tracking,
CVPR 2000
B. Li, etc., Object tracking and verification via sequential posteria update, CVPR 2000 |
Aug 31 | Shyjan | Yali Amit, Donald Geman and Bruno Jedynak, Efficient focusing
and Face Detection
C.K. Chow and C.N. Liu, Approximating Discrete Probability Distributions with DependenceTrees |
Aug 24 | Chuck | M.C. Burl and P. Perona, Recognition of Planar Object Classes,CVPR
96, San Francisco, CA, June 1996
M. Weber, M. Welling and P. Perona, Unsupervised Learning of Models for Recognition, ECCV 2000, Dublin, Ireland, June 2000 |
Aug 17 | Marina | Meila, M., Shi J., A random walks view of spectral segmentation, submitted to AISTATS 2001 | |
Aug 10 | Owen | V. Colin and J. Crowley, A prediction-verification strategy for
object recognition using local appearance, ICCV'99
K. Ohba and K. Ikeuchi, Detectability, uniqueness, and reliability of eigen windows for stable verification of partially occluded objects, PAMI Sept, 1997 |
July 27 | Teruko | T.YATA, A.OHYA and S.YUTA, A Fast and Accurate Sonar-Ring Sensor
for a Mobile Robot, ICRA'99, pp.630-636
T.YATA, A.OHYA and S.YUTA, Fusion of Omni-directional Sonar and Omni-directional Vision for Environment Recognition of Mobile Robots, ICRA'00, pp.3926-3931 |
July 20 | Chuck | Charles Rosenberg, Image Color Constancy Using EM and Cached Statistics, ICML-2000, pp. 799-806 | |
July 13 | Yanxi | Efros and Leung, Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling,
Wu, Zhu, Liu, Equivalence of Julesz and Gibbs Texture Ensembles, ICCV'99 |
July 6 | Frank | Jump Diffusion | |
June 29 | Danny | S.C. Zhu, Embedding Gestalt Laws in Markov Random Fields, PAMI Nov. 99 | |
June 22 | Yanghai | Level Set | |
June 8 | Daniel | Structure from Motion using Points, Lines and Intensities,
J. Oliensis and M. Werman, CVPR 2000, pp 599--605 A Multi-Frame Structure-from-Motion Algorithm under Perspective Projection, J. Oliensis, IJCV 34(2/3), 163-192, 1999 |
June 1 | Matt | MRF application paper 1: Geman, S. and Geman, D. (1984). Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distribution and the Bayesian restoration of images. PAMI, 6(6):721--741 | |
May 18 | Frank | MCMC tutorial: | |
May 11 | Marina | MRF tutorial: | |
Apr 13 | Frank | H. Pasula, S. Russell etc. Tracking many objects with many sensors. | |
Apr 6 | Peng | D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh and P. Meer. Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects Using Mean Shift. | |
Mar 23 | Matt | Kenichi Kanatani, Model Selection Criteria for Geometric Inference | |
Mar 16 | Daniel Morris | Image-Consistent Surface Triagulation, CVPR'2000 | |
Mar 2 | Ross Beveridge | M. Stevens and J. Beveridge. Rendering as a bridge between appearance and geometry | |
Feb 24 | Alex | D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski, Stereo matching with nonlinear diffusion, IJCV 28(2), 155-174, 1998 | |
Feb 17 | Shyjan | M. Pontil, Support vector machines for 3D object recognition,
C. Papageorgiou, M. Oren and T. Poggio, A general framework for object detection, ICCV'98 |
Feb 10 | Peng | M. Black and D. Fleet, Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Motion Discontinuities, ICCV 99 | |
Feb 3 | Daniel | R. Benjemaa and F. Schmitt, A solution for the registration of multiple 3D point sets using unit quaternions, ECCV 98, vol. 2, pp. 34-50. |
Please send comments to Peng Chang.
Last modified: Mon Oct 18 21:00:57 EDT 1999