Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks, etc.

  • Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Covers engineering, mathematics, computer science, and life and physical sciences.

  • AccessScience: The Online Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (Carnegie Mellon only)
      The McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, providing full access to articles, dictionary terms, and hundreds of research updates in all areas of science and technology. Includes biographies of leading scientists through history, weekly updates on breakthroughs and discoveries, resources to guide research, and links to selected websites for further research.

  • Babel Computer-Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms

  • Collins Dictionary of Computing (Carnegie Mellon only)

  • Computer Almanac
      This is a collection of numbers relevant to computers, along with references, created by Brad Myers of Carnegie Mellon. These are useful for including in articles and speeches.

  • Computer Graphics Companion (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Comprehensive collection of articles written by specialists and spanning a wide range of topics and applications in computer graphics. Gives a general introduction to computer graphics, software, hardware, design, colour and image processing and then focuses on key application areas.

  • Computer Sciences / Roger R. Flynn, ed. New York: Macmillan Reference USA; Thomson/Gale.
    ENGR&SCI REF QA76 .C572

  • Computer User High Tech Dictionary

  • Data Powers of Ten
  • Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
      Provides brief definitions of terms related to algorithms, data structures, computational problems, and techniques.

  • Dictionary of Computing (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Comprehensive coverage of computer applications in industry, the office, science, education, and the home.

  • Dictionary of Multimedia and Internet Applications (Carnegie Mellon only)

  • Dictionary of Personal Computing and the Internet (Carnegie Mellon only)

  • Dictionary of the Internet (Carnegie Mellon only)

  • Dot What!?
      This is a file extension resource for the Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. It can be searched or browsed in alphabetical order. Each file extension record includes the file extension name, a brief description, software that creates or views the file, file type, and operating systems.

  • Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence / Stuart C. Shapiro, ed. New York: Wiley.
    ENGR&SCI REF Q335 .E53

    Provides an overview of the field and related disciplines.

  • Encyclopedia of Computer Science (Carnegie Mellon only)
      A basic reference work for the non-specialist who needs an understanding of subjects in the computer science field.
  • Encyclopedia of Software Engineering (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Covers different areas of software engineering; a comprehensive reference work.

  • Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC)
      A searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, and theories related to computing.

  • Intute: Science, Engineering & Technology
  • Knovel (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Contains interactive reference books and databases. Knovel has a database of many of the leading science and engineering reference handbooks, databases, and conference proceedings from publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, ASME, SPE, and ASM International. Knovel's unique combination of aggregated information, proprietary analysis tools, and technology empowers users to attain information across multiple sources and information formats.

  • The Language List (programming languages)
  • MIT CogNet (Carnegie Mellon only)
      "The brain and cognitive science community online." Includes full-text MIT journals and books in cognitive science, plus online seminars, discussion groups, job listings, and announcements.
  • MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (Carnegie Mellon only)
      MITECS classifies the cognitive and brain sciences into six domains: (1) computational intelligence (2) culture, cognition, and evolution (3) linguistics and language (4) neuroscience (5) philosophy, and (6) psychology. Each section contains an extended series of brief entries on the defining research topics of the domain.

  • NIST Computer Security Resource Center
  • Numerical Recipes Site
  • Selection of Engineering Quotes
  • TechEncyclopedia
      Based on an updated and enhanced version of The Computer Desktop Encyclopedia by Alan Freedman, TechEncyclopedia contains more than 20,000 computing and information technology entries. Includes brief definitions and in-depth explanations. It is fully searchable, with numerous cross-references.

  • Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia (Carnegie Mellon only)
      One of the most comprehensive general scientific references available. Topics include computer science, information science, mathematics, physics, power technology, and a host of other subjects.

  • What Engineers Are and Do
  • Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Carnegie Mellon only)
      Brings together the core knowledge from the many specialties encompassed by electrical and electronics engineering. In addition to electrical and electronics engineering applications, the Encyclopedia features important topics of interest to engineers, including: education; historical background of fields in electrical and electronics engineering; patents; technology and society; and computer and software engineering.
  • Back to top

    November 2008 -- https://libwebspace.library.cmu.edu:4430/CS/reftools.html
    Missy Harvey, Computer Science Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu
    � 2008 Carnegie Mellon Libraries