From: (Micaela Pantke)

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 13:13:42 +0200


From: kati@glnserv.UUCP (Lady Dragon)
Servings: 18
2 c    Flour
3 t    Baking Powder
2 T    Sugar
1/2 t  Cinnamon
1/2 t  Salt
6 T    Shortening
1/2 c  Apples, peeled, chopped fine
1/2 c  Raisins
4 T    Cold Apple juice or water
Preheat oven to 400 deg F.  Mix together dry ingredients.  Cut in
shortening as you would for a pie crust.  Stir in apples and raisins. 
Add enough juice to make a stiff dough.  On floured surface, roll dough
about 1/2" thick.  Cut into triangles and bake on cookie sheet for 10
minutes, or until light brown. 

From: (Sandra)
2 cups    All purpose flour
1/4 cup   Granulated sugar
2 tsp     Baking powder
1/2 tsp   Baking soda
1/2 tsp   Salt
1/4 cup   Cold butter or margarine 
1         Shredded apple
1/2 cup   Milk
Milk for brushing tops
Sugar for sprinkling
Cinnamon for sprinkling

Measure flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt into large bowl.  Cut
in butter until crumbly. 
Add shredded apple and milk.  Stir to form stiff dough.  Turn out on
lightly floured surface.  Knead gently 8-10 times.  Pat into two six
inch circles.  Place on greased baking sheet.  Brush tops with milk. 
Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.  Score each top into 6 pie shaped
wedges.  Bake in 425 F oven for 15 minutes until browned and risen. 
Serve warm with butter. 
Currant Apple Scones - Add 1/2 cup currants to batter. 


(for approximately 12 scones)
From: jcole@osiris (Joan Cole)

Source: Michael Smith, The Afternoon Tea Book (ISBN 0-689-11592-X)
2 cups   all purpose flour            
1 Tbl    baking powder                 
1/2 tsp  salt                        
5 Tbl    sweet butter
1/4 cup  vegetable shortening
1/3 cup  milk

Place the baking sheet in the oven and preheat to 450 degrees F.  Sift
the measured flour twice with the baking powder, salt, and other fine
ingredients such as powdered mustard (which you would use if you were
making cheese scones). 

Dice the fats into the dry ingredients, then lightly rub in with cool
fingertips or a pastry blender until completely blended. 

Make a well in the center and stir in the milk.  Lightly mix with a fork
until the ingredients form a soft dough. 

Turn out onto a floured board and knead very lightly for about 30
seconds to a loose, smooth dough.  Roll out with a rolling pin to
approximately 3/4 inch thick. 

Stamp out with a 2-inch cutter or cut into triangles with a sharp knife. 
Lightly knead together any trimmings and roll and stamp out again.  Lift
with a spatula onto the HOT baking sheet, placing 1 inch apart.  Brush
only the tops with lightly beaten egg or milk. 

Bake toward the top of the oven for approximately 10 minutes, or until
well risen and golden brown.  Lift onto a wire rack with the spatula to
cool.  (If you were to make cheese scones, you would add 1 3/4 cups very
finely grated mature cheddar cheese, and a pinch of dry English mustard)

Clotted cream is a spread somewhat similar to butter, but not the same. 
I don't know if it is possible to get in the U.S..I seem to recall that
I may have seen instructions for making it in one of those "Cheaper and
Better" type books.  I'll look.  (Any Brits out there with better Info
than me?)


From: (Ellen Sudia
3 1/2 cups  flour
pinch       of salt
3/4 cup     butter
1 tblsp     baking powder
1/2 cup     sugar
1           egg
1/2 cup     milk
1/2 cup     raisins

Cut together butter, flour, salt and baking powder.

Add sugar and raisins. 

Make well in center of the mixture; add egg and small amount of milk. 
If mixture appears to be too dry, add more milk.  Blend to a nice,
smooth dough. 

Roll out on floured board to 1/2 inch thick.  Use cutter with 2-inch
fluted edge.  Place on lightly greased baking sheet, brush with beaten

Bake in 350-degree F oven for 10-15 minutes.  Center of bottom should
be lightly colored. 

Serve hot. 

I copied this recipe couple of years ago from a newspaper; supposedly,
those *are* the scones served in the Palace.  If I remember right, the
recipe came with an article about a guy who used to be cook there. 


From: (Betty Harvey)
3 1/2 cups  flour
pinch       of salt
3/4 cup     butter
1 tblsp     baking powder
1/2 cup     sugar
1           egg
1/2 cup     milk

Cut together butter, flour, salt and baking powder.  Add sugar. 

Make well in center of the mixture; add egg and small amount of milk. 
If mixture appears to be too dry, add more milk.  Blend to a nice,
smooth dough. 

Put half the dough in 8 x 11 baking pan.  Covered the dough with Black
Current Preserves and used the last half of the dough to cover the

Bake in 350-degree F oven for 10-15 minutes.  Center of bottom should
be lightly colored. 

Serve hot. 


From: (Jamie Wernitznig)

Source: More Baking with Schmecks Appeal
2 cups    flour
2 tblsp   sugar
1 tblsp   baking powder
1 tsp     salt
1/4 tsp   baking soda
1 cup     raisins or currants
1/2 cup   sour cream
1/4 cup   oil
1         egg; slightly beaten
3 tblsp   milk

1.  Sift together dry ingredients and stir in the raisins. 

2.  Blend the remaining ingredients and stir in the flour mixture until
the dough is all together. 

3.  Toss on a lightly floured surface until no longer sticky.  Knead a
few times.  Divide the dough in half then pat each ball of dough into a
6" circle with the top slightly rounded.  Brush the tops with milk and
sprinkle with sugar. 

4.  Cut each circle into 6 wedges.  Place 2 inches apart on a cookie
sheet.  Bake at 425F for 10 to 12 minutes or till golden.  Serve hot
with butter and jam or flavoured butter or honey. 


From: ak399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Carole A. Resnick)

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 11/07/91
2 1/2 cups  all purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp   baking powder
1/2 tsp     baking soda
3/4 cup     butter or margarine
1 cup       cranberries, coarsely chopped
2 tsp       grated orange peel
2/3 cup     sugar
1/2 cup     buttermilk or sour milk
Preheat oven to 400F.
In mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder and baking soda; cut in
butter with pastry blended or two knives.  Stir in cranberries, orange
peel and sugar; stir in buttermilk just until ingredients are moistened. 
Working on floured surface, shape dough into two 8-inch circles,
1/2-inch thick.  Cut each circle into eight wedges and place on
ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until lightly


From: (Deva)
1 1/2 c  flour
1/2 c    oat flour
1/2 c    sugar
2 tsp    baking powder
1/2 tsp  baking soda
1/2 tsp  salt
2 tsp    (to taste) ground cardamom
1/4 c    pine nuts, ground
4 tbs    butter
2        eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 c    cream (as needed)

Place the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir to mix.  Add the pine nuts
and the butter and cut into the flour mixture.  Stir in the eggs and add
just enough cream to make a stif dough.  Put the dough on a floured
board and pat it out into a circle about 1/4-1/2 inch thick.  Cut into
wedges and place wedges on a cookie sheet at least one inch apart.  Bake
at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or til nicely browned.  Sprinkle with
additional cardamom and serve with plum jam. 

You may increase the amount of cardamom or substitute coriander for a
stronger flavor.  You can also leave out the pine nuts and add a small
amount of additional butter. 

From: (Sandra)
2 1/2 Cup  all-purpose flour
1 Cup      (4 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese
1/4 Cup    chopped fresh parsley
1 Tbsp     baking powder
2 tsp      dill weed
1/2 tsp    salt
3/4 Cup    butter or margarine
2          eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 Cup    half-and-half

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  In medium bowl combine all ingredients EXCEPT
butter, eggs and half-and-half.  Cut in butter until crumbly.  Stir in
eggs and half-and-half just until moistened.  Turn dough onto lightly
floured surface; knead until smooth (1 min.).  Divide dough in half;
roll each half into 8" circle.  Cut each circle into 8 pie-shaped
wedges.  Place 1" apart on cookie sheets.  Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or
until lightly browned. 


From: (Chris Behrens)

Source: Quaker Oat pamphlet received in mail
Ingredients :
1 1/2 cups  all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups  Quaker Oats (Quick or Old Fashioned, uncooked)
1/4 cup     sugar
1 tblsp     baking powder
1/4 tsp     salt (optional)
1/3 cup     margarine
6 oz. pkg   (1 1/3 cups) diced dried mixed fruit
1/2 cup     milk                                  
1           egg, lightly beaten
1 tsp       sugar
1/8 tsp     cinnamon (a dash, I'll use more next time)

Heat oven to 375 deg F.  Combine flour, oats, sugar, baking powder, and
salt.  Cut in margarine until mixture resembles course crumbs; stir in
fruit.  Add combined milk and eggs, mixing just until moistened.  Shape
dough to form a ball.  Turn out onto lightly floured surface; knead
gently 6 times.  On lightly greased cookie sheet, pat out dough to form
8-inch circle.  With sharp knife, score round into 12 wedges.; sprinkle
with combined sugar and cinnamon.  Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden
brown.  Break apart; serve warm.  Makes 1 scone with as many wedges as
you scored. 


From: (Sandra)
2 1/4 Cup  flour			
2 1/2 tsp  baking powder		
1/2 tsp    salt			
1/2 cup    currants		
1          egg, slightly beaten
2 Tbsp     sugar
1/2 tsp    baking soda
1/2 cup    cold butter, cubed
1 cup      buttermilk

Preheat oven to 425 (F).
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in the bowl of a
food processor; add butter and process until the mixture ressembles
coarsely ground meal.  Transfer to a bowl.  [Use a pastry cutter if you
don't have a food processor.]

Add currants, then buttermilk, stirring quickly with a fork until the
dough is soft and slightly sticky.  With floured hands, press the dough
into a ball.  Knead delicately a dozen times. 

Flatten the dough into a 1" thick circle.  Cut into 3" disks.  Repeat
this with remaining dough. 
Paint the scones with egg.  Bake 12-15 minutes. 


From: (Sandra)
2 Cups   flour                    
1 Tbsp   baking powder            
1/4 cup  butter                  
1 tsp    grated orange rind	
3/4 cup  cream
1/4 cup  sugar
1/2 tsp  salt
1/2 cup  currants
1        egg

Mix all together and pat into a 6 inch round baking pan.  Cut into
quarters.  Bake at 350F about 25 minutes. 

From: (Jamie Wernitznig
1 3/4 cups  flour
1/2 cup     sugar
3/4 tsp     baking powder
1/2 tsp     salt
1/4 tsp     baking soda
1/2 cup     butter
1           egg
2 tblsp     milk
1 tsp       orange peel
1/2 tsp     vanilla
2/3 cup     chopped dates

1.  Combine all dry ingredients.  Cut in butter, add dates. 

2.  Combine all liquids, beat slightly to break up the egg, and add to
dry ingredients. 

3.  Gently shape dough into a ball; place on floured board and pat into
a large circle about 1/2" thick. 

4.  Cut into wedges, place on baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees F. 
about 15 to 20 minutes. 


From: (Jamie Wernitznig)
2 1/4 cups  flour
1/2 cup     sugar
1/4 cups    poppyseed
1 tsp       cream of tartar
3/4 tsp     baking soda
1/2 tsp     salt
1/2 cup     butter
1/4 cup     orange juice
1           large egg
1 tsp       orange peel

1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 

2.  Mix all dry ingredientS together.  Cut butter into flour mixture
until it resembles cornmeal. 

3.  Beat the egg slightly into the orange juice; add liquid mixture to
dry mix and gently shape dough into a ball. 

4.  Cut the ball in half, and pat each half out on a floured surface
into a circle about 1/2 inch thick, and 8 inches around.  Cut into
wedges and place on a baking sheet. 

5.  Bake 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. 


From: (Jamie Wernitznig)
2 cups      flour
2 tsp       baking powder
1/2 tsp     salt
1/8 tsp     cayenne pepper
1 1/2 cups  grated Cheddar cheese
3 tblsp     Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup     butter
1/3 cup     milk
2           eggs

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 

2.  Combine all dry ingredients, stir in cheeses and toss well. 

3.  Cut in butter.  Combine eggs and milk, add to flour mixture and
gently knead to form a stiff dough. 

4.  Cut dough ball into halves and pat each half into an 8" diameter,
1/2" thick circle.  Cut into wedges, place wedges on a baking sheet and
bake 15 to 17 minutes, until lightly browned. 


From: io71245@maine.bitnet
2 c    flour             
4 t    baking powder     
2/3 c  milk            
2      eggs
2 T    sugar
2 T    melted BUTTER (oleo won't do)

Combine flour and baking powder in medium bowl; stir in milk.  Beat eggs
till light and fluffy, add sugar and butter.  Mix with milk mixture
until smoothish, like for pancakes.  Drop by large tablespoonfuls (those
big soupspoons work well) onto a hot, -lightly- greased griddle (here's
where that can of Pam works) and cook over moderately low heat until
pale gold, turning several times.  Serve -hot-, split and buttered or
spread with jam.  (I usually spread thinly with butter and run under
broiler till lightly toasted....  The scones, silly, not me toasted!!)

Surgeon General's warning: these are a highly addictive substance and
should be used sparingly.  :)


From: (Janet "Mostly Harmless" Morrissey)
2 cups   self-rising flour
1/2 tsp  baking soda
3/4 cup  buttermilk
milk or egg for glaze, if desired

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Sift self-rising flour at least once into the
mixing bowl.  Stir soda into buttermilk until it begins to foam.  Pour
into well in center of flour and stir with fork incorporating just
enough flour to make a very soft dough.  Gather into ball and place on
lightly floured board.  Pat or roll into a circle, kneading very
lightly.  Use spatula to cut into 8 or 10 wedges.  Transfer to greased
baking sheet.  To give scones a shine, brush with milk; for a golden
gleam brush with an egg yolk beaten with a tablespoon of water.  Bake
for 10 to 12 minutes in upper third of oven.  Wrap in linen napkin, tuck
into basket and serve soon.  Makes 8-10 scones. 


Servings:  5
From: kati@glnserv.UUCP (Lady Dragon)
2 c    All-purpose flour
2 T    Sugar
1 t    Baking powder
3/4 t  Salt
6 T    Butter/margarine - 3/4 stick
1 ea   Egg
2/3 c  Milk
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a large cookie sheet.  In a large
bowl, use a fork to mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Cut (do
not stir) butter in until the mixture forms coarse crumbs. 

In a cup, mix egg and milk together.  Stir milk mixture into the flour
mixture _all at once_ mixing just until ingredients are blended.  Drop
scone mixture by scant 1/4-cups about 1" apart on cookie sheet to make
12 scones. 

Bake 12-15 minutes or until scones are golden. 

Serve them warm or later.  To save for later cool the scones on wire
racks and wrap in a single layer of foil.  To reheat, warm for 10
minutes or so in a 400 degree oven.  About 190 calories each. 


From: (Sandra)
2 Cup    sifted flour
3 tsp    baking powder
1 tsp    salt
1/4 Cup  shortening
2 Tbsp   sugar
1/2 Cup  milk
1        egg, slightly beaten

Mix the dry ingredients, then cut in the shortening, just as if you were
making biscuits.  Add the milk and egg -- you may need to add more flour
if the dough is too sticky or more milk if it is too dry.  It should be
slightly moister/softer than a regular biscuit. 

Roll into a circle, about 1/4" thick, slightly thicker in the center. 
Cut into wedges (eight works well), and place on an ungreased baking
sheet.  Bake at 450 F for 10-12 minutes, until golden. 

From: (Susanne)

1 1/2 c  uncooked old-fashioned oats
1 1/2 c  flour
1/2 c    raisins or currants
2 T      sugar
1 T      baking powder
1 t      cream of tartar 
1 stick  margarine, melted
1/3 c    milk
1 egg, beaten

Mix together all dry ingredients.  Mix together wet ingredients then add
to the dry ing.  Mix with a fork just until moistened (do not overmix). 
Form into a ball and then flatten on a greased cookie sheet into a
circle about 8" across.  Cut into 8 or 12 wedges.  Bake 12-15 minutes at
425F.  Cool on a rack.  These freeze well in a plastic bag and can be
reheated in the microwave.  Wrap each one in a paper towel and zap for
about 30 seconds. 


From: mrwarden@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Melissa Rhoads Warden)

Source: May 1993 Bon Appetit
Makes 8

2 cups     all purpose flour
1/4 cup    firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp  baking powder
1/2 tsp    baking soda
1/4 tsp    ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp    ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp    salt
1/2 cup    dried currants
1/4 cup    (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
2 Tb       dark molasses (do not use blackstrap)
3/4 cup    buttermilk
Melted butter

Preheat oven to 425F.  Sift flour, dark brown sugar, baking powder,
baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt into a large bowl.  Add dried
currants.  Melt 1/4 cup unsalted butter with dark molasses in heavy
small saucepan over low heat.  Combine molasses mixture with buttermilk
and por into dry ingredients.  Mix dough until just blended. 

Gently knead dough on generously floured surface until smooth, about 20
turns.  Divide dough in half.  Pat out each dough piece into 5-inch
diameter round.  Cut each dough round into 4 wedges.  Transfer dough
wedges to ungreased cookie sheet, spacing 2 inches apart.  Brush with
melted butter.  Sprinkle with sugar.  Bake until scones are just firm to
the touch, about 20 minutes.  Serve scones hot. 


From: (Sandra)
1 1/2 Cup  all purpose flour	
1 1/2 Cup  whole-wheat flour	
1 Tbsp     baking powder		
1 tsp      dry basil leaves		
1/2 tsp    dry oregano leaves
1/2 tsp    dry thyme leaves
1/2 Cup    butter or margarine
2          large eggs
1/2 Cup    milk
In a large bowl mix dry ingredients.  Add butter, and cut into flour
mixture with a pastry cutter.  Beat eggs and milk to blend, and set
aside 2 Tablespoons of egg-milk mixture.  Add remainder to flour
mixture, and stir until just evenly moistened.  Scrape dough onto a
floured board or surface and knead about 6 turns or until dough holds
together.  Divide dough in half.  Pat each half into a 3/4 inch thick
round, 5-6 inches in diameter.  Set rounds well apart on an oiled 12 x
15 inch baking sheet.  With a knife, cut each round not quite through,
to form 6 equal wedges.  Brush rounds with reserved egg-milk mixture. 
Bake in a 400F oven until golden brown, about 18 minutes.  Serve hot or
warm, breaking along scores. 


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