Cherry Almond Pizza

From: (Nikita Boni)

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 11:12:36 GMT

345g (11oz - 2 3/4 cups) strong white flour
1    heaped teaspoon salt
15g  (1/2oz - 3 teaspoons) fresh (compressed)
     yeast; or 1 teaspoon dried active yeast 
     and 1 teaspoon sugar; or 1 teaspoon easy
     blend yeast
158ml (6 fl oz - 3/4 cup) hand-hot water
1    tablespoon olive oil
30g  (1oz - 2 tablspoons) ground almonds.

Put flour and salt in a large bowl.

In a small bowl, mix fresh yeast with a little water; put in a 
warm place until frothy. To use dried active yeast, wisk with 
sugar and a little water; leave until frothy. 

Add yeast liquid to flour with remaining water and oil. (To use
easy blend yeast, mix into flour and salt before adding water 
and oil.) Mix to soft dough.

Knead on floured surface for 10 minutes. Put in a greased bowl,
cover; put in warm place for 45 minutes or until doubled in size.

Knock back risen dough and knead dough with ground almonds. 
Oil a 30cm (12in) pizza tin.
Put dough in centre and press out to edges with knuckles. Pinch
up edges to create a rim.

                      -------- " ---------
2    egg whites
125g (4oz - 3/4 cup) ground almonds
90g  (3oz - 1/2 cup) caster sugar
few drops almond essence
750g (1 1/2 lb) jar Morello cherries in juice
60g  (2oz - 1/2 cup) flaked almonds
3    tablespoons Morel0o cherry jam
icing sugar for dusting
whipped cream, to decorate

Preheat oven to 220C (425F. Gas 7)

In a bowl, lightly wisk egg whites. Stir in ground almonds,
caster sugar and almond essence. Spread the mixture evenly over
pizza base.

Drain cherries, reserving juice. Spoon over pizza, reserving a
few for decoration. Sprinkle with flaked almonds and bake in the
oven for 20 minutes until dough is crisp and golden.

Meanwhile, in a saucepan, heat reserved juice and jam until syrupy.
Dust cooked pizza with icing sugar and decorate with whipped cream
and reserved cherries. 

Serve the sauce separately.

Serves 4-6


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