Chinese Scallion Cakes

From: Susan McIntosh
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 93 15:24:29 EDT

I'm so glad to see that someone else likes these delish cakes!  My SO thinks
they're strange, but I love them.  I'll make a large batch and freeze them
uncooked with waxed paper in between; just thaw as many as you need and fry!

Scallion Cakes
copied without permission from _Chinese Cooking_ by Yan Kit Martin

1 1/4 C all-purpose flour   (approx. 5 cups)
3/4 pint boiling water
1 or 2 Tbs cold water
1 or 2 tsp sesame oil
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 oz margarine or butter
12 oz chopped scallions  (about 35)
peanut or corn oil for frying

Sift flour into a large bowl.  Pour in the boiling water gradually and
mix with a fork.  Rub together with fingers while the flour is still
warm.  Add the cold water and knead to form a firm, but not hard,
dough.  Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Oil a flat surface and a rolling pin with 1 tsp sesame oil.  Place
dough on oiled surface.  Knead a few times and divide into 6 pieces.
Roll out one piece into a 6 - 7 inch circle with the edges slightly
thinner than the middle.  Sprinkle all over with a good 1/4 tsp of
salt and press in with your fingers.  Generously spread with 1/2 oz
margarine all over, stopping just short of edges.  Spread with about 5
Tbs of chopped scallions.

With both hands, pick of the sides nearest you and roll the cake up
away from you (like a jellyroll), taking care not to let the scallions
fall out.  The dough should now be in a cylindrical shape.  Pinch the
ends closed and roll towards each other until the dough is
ball-shaped.  Gently roll the ball out until it's about 6 inches
across.  Don't worry if the surface of the cake bursts while you're
rolling (this *always* happens to me!).  Repeat for each piece of

Heat a heavy, flat frying pan until hot.  Add 2 Tbs oil.  Fry the
cakes over low heat, covered, for 4 or 5 minutes or until spotted
brown.  Turn over and fry the other side likewise.  Remove and drain
on a paper towel.  Serve hot.  


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