Spaghetti all' Puttanesca

From: David Gossett

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 93 13:13:20 MDT

recipe by David Gossett


1 lb spaghetti (preferably Italian)
olive oil (traditionally quite a bit, but it works fine with less, maybe 2.5
           tbsp or so)
2 or 3 cloves of garlic
1 dried red pepper
1 medium red onion
1 28 oz can tomatoes, preferably Italian plum tomatoes
tomato paste or "double concentrate", 2-4 tbsp
15 or so oil-cured olives
2 tbsp capers
      2 or 3 sun-dried tomatoes (the kind packed in oil)
      2 or 3 anchovies  (Being a vegetarian, I don't ever do this anymore,
and I think that it is even better with the sun-dried tomatoes, anyway.)

Chop the garlic and red pepper.  Set aside.  Chop the red onion.  Over a
medium flame, heat the olive oil.  Add the garlic and red pepper.  In
a minute or so add the onion.  Stir occaisionally.  pit and chop the
olives, and chop the sundried tomatoes or anchovies.  When the onion is 
soft, (5 min?), add the tomatoes, tomato paste, olives, capers, and
sundried tomatoes/anchovies.  With your stirring spoon, break up the canned
tomatoes a bit.  Cook over medium to medium-high flame until most of the
moisture is gone and the sauce looks a little darker, 20-30 minutes.  Serve
over spaghetti, with a small amount of parmesan.



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