Caramelized Pear Tart

From: "S. E. Henderson"

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1993 13:21:29 -0700 (PDT)

	14 Tbsp. butter, softened
	1/2 cup sugar
	3 egg yolks
	zest of 1 lemon, grated
	3/4 cup finely ground almonds
	1 3/4 cups flour
	2 1/2 lbs. ripe, firm pears, peeled, cored,  and cubed
		(or large can of pears drained/cubed, though not as good)
	8 Tbsp. butter
	3/4 cup sugar
	1/3 cup toasted almonds
Cream butter and sugar until smooth.  Add egg yolks and zest, mix well. 
Add almonds and flour, mix well.  Form into ball, wrap with plastic, and
chill 1 hr.
Grease 10 inch tart pan with removable bottom.  On lightly floured
surface, roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness.  Transfer to pan and press
to bottom and sides.  Line dough with foil and fill with pie weights or
dried beans.  Bake at 400 degrees(F) for 20 minutes.  Remove foil and
weights, bake 3 minutes until golden.
While crust is baking, melt butter in large, heavy skillet.  Over medium
heat, saute pears until tender.*   Sprinkle with the sugar and cook until
fruit is caramelized(golden brown.)  Place filling in baked crust and
sprinkle with toasted almonds.  Serve warm or chilled.
*  If using canned pears, don't cook the pears first--add sugar with pears.

A confirmed chocolate lover says this is as good as chocolate.  I agree.

---Sarah Henderson


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