I've read that the "key" to Key Lime Pie is the lime juice. I think it said regular limes are too sweet. I ordered Key Lime Juice direct from Key West -- I think the place is called Nellie & Joe's (or Joe & Nellie's). This first one I've made before -- it's really more like a "lime" lemon meringue pie -- but very good. 1 1/4 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs 1/4 cup Key Lime Juice 1/4 cup unsalted Butter, melted 1 tsp grated Lime Zest 1 1/4 cups +6 tbsp Sugar 3 large Eggs, separated 1/4 cup Cornstarch 1 1/2 cups Boiling Water In bowl, combine crumbs and butter. Mix well; press over bottom and sides of 9" pie plate. Bake at 350 for 8 minutes; cool. In saucepan, combine 1 1/4 cups sugar, cornstarch, lime juice and zest; mix well. Whisk in egg yolks. Gradually stir in the boiling water until blended. Over medium-high heat, bring to boiling, whisking. Cook, whisking, 4 minutes, until thick. Pour into bowl; stand bowl in larger bowl of ice and water to cool mixture. Pour filling into crust. Raise oven temperature to 425. With electric mixer, at high speed, beat egg whites, adding remaining sugar 1 tbsp at a time, until stiff. Spread over filling to cover completely. Bake 4 minutes or until golden. Chill at least 8 hours. This next recipe I've never tried. It's from a popular restaurant around here called Key Largo! It's probably more like what you had in Florida. Key Largo's Key Lime Pie 1 Graham Cracker Crust 2 oz. Key Lime Juice 2 Eggs, separated 1/3 oz. Natural Gelatin 16 oz. Condensed Milk 1/3 oz. Very Hot Water Add yolks to mixer bowl. Using the whites, brush them lightly over the graham cracker crust shell. Bake crust at 350 for 2 minutes or until golden brown. Set aside to cool. Whip yolks until they are light and lemon in color. In a separate bowl, dissolve gelatin in the hot water. When dissolved, very slowly add to mixing bowl. Then slowly add condensed milk. Stir well, blending in lime jiuce. Pour filling into cooled crust and refrigerate for 4-6 hours. Serve chilled garnished with whipped cream and thin fresh lime slices.
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