Salmon-Broccoli Loaf with Dill and Capers

From: (Sally Young)
Date: 4 Oct 93 16:17:21 GMT

from Jean Anderson's _Processor Cooking_

Note: very moist and velvety, let it stand at room temp 30 minutes before 
slicing.  Recipe needs no salt...

1 c loosely packed parseley sprigs, washed & patted dry on paper towels
6 slices firm-textured white bread
2 c 1/2 inch cubes of broccoli stems (the amt you'll get from one large
  bunch of broccoli.  Amount can be variable.)
1 medium yellow onion, cut into slim wedges
1 3/4 pounds cooked or canned boned salmon (remove all dark skin)
1/3 c drained caperss (use the small capers)
2/3 c light cream
4 eggs
2 TBS snipped fresh dill or 3/4 tsp dill weed
Finely grated rind of 1/2 lemon
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper

In food processor fitted with metal chopping blade, mince paresely fine,
using 5-6 on-offs of the motor; empty into a large mixing bowl.  Now crumb 
the bread 2 slices at a time, with two or three 5-or 6 churning of the 
motor; add to bowl.  Dump all the broccoli stems into processor; mince very 
fine with about three 5-second bursts; add to bowl.

Processor-mince the onion -- 3 o4 4 bursts will do it -- add to the bowl.

Flake the salmon in three batches -- 2 on-offs will be enough.  Add to the 
mixing bowl along with all remaining ingredients.  Mix v thoroughly, pack 
mixture firmly into a well-buttered 9x5x3 inch loaf pan and bake in a slow
oven (300 degrees F.) for about 1 hour and 40 minutes, or until loaf begins 
to pull from sides of pan and is firm to the touch.  Remove loaf from oven 
and let it stand upright in its pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes.  Carefully 
loosen the loaf all around w a thin-bladed spatula, then invert gently onto 
a large serving platter.


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