Poached Salmon/Sauteed Tuna

From: i000702@disc.dla.mil ( sam frajerman,sppb,x3026,)
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 93 10:37:49 -0400
Last week, my son came over for dinner and requested tuna, so I
bought two nice 7 ounce filets.  He marinated them for a few
moments in olive oil which came with my best-in-the-world dried
tomatoes, which I buy here in Philly, then used the same oil for
the pan, added four chopped garlic cloves, some fresh chopped
ginger, and the dried tomatoes, then moved all the stuff to the
sides of the pan (9 inch pan) cooked the tuna about four minutes
each side, served them with the ginger, garlic, tomatoes and 
oil over them, and they were magnificent.  I think there were
also about a half teaspoon of dry hot red peppers in the oil. 
Now these were cooked all the way through, not like the salmon
above, but still moist and juicy.  I'm not certain now about the
hot peppers, and as I remember the taste, I don't think he added them.
Please let me know if you try this/these?  
Just one more thing: get the freshest fish possible.


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