Cheese Souffle

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 93 13:03:10 -0700
Cross Indexed Souffle, Cheese

  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set pan of water in oven. Prepare an 8 cup
  couffle dish (4" to 5" high). Butter dish and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons
  dry bread crumbs. Cook 2 1/2 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons flour
  together slowly to make roux (foamy and frothy). Pour 3/4 cup scalded
  milk into roux, stirring with wire whisk; cook until thick. Add 1/2
  teaspoon salt, dash each pepper and nutmeg. Add 3 egg yolks to sauce.
  Beat 6 egg whites (3/4 cup); add dash salt and 1/4 teaspoon cream of
  tartar, continue beating until soft peaks form. Put big dolop of egg
  white into sauce. Add 1 cup grated Swiss chees (Gruyere) or 1 cup
  chopped seafood. Fold egg whites into sauce. Fill mold to 2/3. Set in
  pan of water in oven. Bake 1 hr. to 1 hr. 15 minutes. Can leave in
  warm oven for 1/2 hr. if necessary.      Serves 6 to 8
Judy Hayes                  


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