From: (Stephanie da Silva) Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1993 18:44:25 GMT Roger Joseph is always asking about Portobello recipes and I tore this page out of an American Way magazine on the flight back from Florida cause it had a recipe and it reminded me of him. Brush the mushroom with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and lots of black and red pepper (big mushroom, eh?). Grill it for 2 and a half minutes on each side, and garnish it with a puree of garlic and parsley. Serve it with lemon slices on a bed of salad greens with a roasted red bell pepper. If you have leftover stems and broken mushrooms bits, simmer them for ninety minutes in water with a bay leaf and thyme. Use the dark brew to add or enhance a mushroom flavour in sauce.
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