Miguel Liébana ================================================================================== 5736 Holden Street Miguel.Liebana@cmu.edu Pittsburgh, PA 15232-1956 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mlb USA (412) 268 3808 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective: Permanent position as a Software Engineer. Areas of interest include Software Process Improvement, Measurement, Quality Assurance and Project Management. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education: 1996-1997: Master of Software Engineering, Software Process specialization track (12 month program) to be obtained from Carnegie Mellon University and the Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Graduation expected in August 1997. Sponsored by LA CAIXA fellowship program. 1997: Personal Software Process Instructor, Software Engineering Institute (three week professional course), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 1988-1994: Computer Science Engineering (6 years program) obtained from the Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. GPA: 8,71 (within a scale from 0 to 10). End of Degree Project titled: "Design and Implementation of POSIX 1003.4 on OSF/1" graded A With Honors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Experience: 1997-1997: Project leader at the MSE Studio. Cinnamon project. 1995-1996: Fellow at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics), Geneva, Switzerland. Work on the ADAM project. 1994-1995: Technical student at CERN. Conception, design and development of ADAM. 1991-1994: Undergraduate fellowship at the Computer Architecture Department at the Technical University of Madrid, Spain. Work on ARGOS and FASST projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publications: M. Liébana, M. Marquina, R. Ramos "ADAM: An Affordable Desktop Application Manager." CHEP'95: Computer in High Energy Physics. Held in Rio de Janeiro from September 18 to September 22, 1995. M. Martínez, S. Rodríguez, L. Muñoz, A. García, M. Liébana. "ARGOS: Using X for Real-Time Representation of Driving Session Data." Fifth Annual conference of the European X User Group. Pages 93-108. September 1993. P.Gómez, A. Díaz, J.M. Gallardo, V. Rodellar, V. Nieto, L. Alonso, M. Liébana, O. Pérez. "Design of a Reduced Machine for Didactic Applications Using a Standard Cell Tool." First Congress of Electronic Training Applied Technologies. Pages: 121-130. July 1994. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: I have acquired a wide experience as a C and C++ programmer and other important technical skills that I summarize: o Strong Software Engineering background: formal methods, software architecture, object oriented design,etc. o Understanding of software development processes: quality assurance, measurement procedures, the SEI’s CMM (Capability Maturity Model) and PSP (Personal Software Process). o Knowledge of Unix-like operating system internals, micro-kernel architectures (Mach 3.0), and POSIX 1003.4 and 1003.4a. o Experience with multi-threaded and multi-processor application development, and experience with distributed environments (RPC & client/server application development). o Knowledge of WWW technology: Server configuration, HTML writing, CGI programming. In addition, I am familiar with a wide range of Unix operating systems (OSF/1, SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, Ultrix, Linux), with MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT and with the particularities of the AFS and NFS distributed file systems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Languages: o Spanish: Native Language. o English: TOEFL: 620 o French: Fluent in French. One year course while living in a French speaking area (Geneva, Switzerland). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activities: Spare Time Education, Sports (soccer, squash, volleyball, sky, hiking), Traveling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check my Curriculum Vitæ for further details in any of the areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated PostScript versions of this résumé and the Curriculum Vitæ are always available from my WWW home page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mlb