You are required to create a web page on which you will display your homework assignments. This page should contain a link to each homework's solution. The page for an individual assignment should include a demo of the working program (e.g., gif files, animations), links to source code for your programs (including any necessary makefiles, and a brief explanation of your approach. You may to click here for some help in publishing web sites.
Assignments are due by 9pm of their due date. This means, an email of the web page must be sent to the TA by 9pm on the due date and the web page must be active. No late assignments will be accepted without the permission of the TA or Instructor.
Each assignment is worth 100 points. Each week, if the TA feels one of the assignments went above and beyond expectations, the TA will select the best assignment, and award it 30 extra points. The recipient will be honored in class with an award ceremony. If, by chance, it is a group assignment, then the members of the group will divide the 30 points among themselves.