- Copy the sample label file:
cp /afs/cs/user/mahim/www/ic07/doorlabel/dragon-doorlabel.tex .
- edit as appropriate
- enquire from your officemates what the nearest
printer is. If you want color, spectrum in the 4100
corridor is a good bet. Do the following (you might want to put this in your shell start-up script):
export PRINTER=<printer-name> or setenv PRINTER <printer-name>
- Then, do the following:
export TEXINPUTS=$TEXINPUTS:/afs/cs/user/mahim/www/ic07/doorlabel
latex dragon-doorlabel.tex
dvips -o dragon-doorlabel.ps dragon-doorlabel
gv dragon-doorlabel.ps
lpr dragon-doorlabel.ps