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Over to publications

Objective: A research position in bioinformatics



Consultant, Bioinformatics Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory


  • Developed a rigorous statistical technique for finding coexpressed genes in large EST datasets, and showed that it is superior to previous methods for finding functional relationships between human proteins in EST data. more»
  • Analyzed mRNA and protein turnover in microorganisms using an optimal growth assumption. more»

Founder, Director of Product Design Public Mind, Inc.


  • Created an online "one-to-many" customer service application that enables companies to respond efficiently without sacrificing accuracy.

Senior Research Scientist Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory


  • Invented an electronic "reading appliance" that led to a new Xerox business:
    • Researched the limitations of existing interfaces for reading online.
    • Implemented a fully functional prototype using off-the-shelf pen tablet displays.
    • Refined the prototype by giving numerous demos, interviewing potential users, observing the prototype in use, and repositioning the concept as a "document laptop" for mobile professionals.
  • 13 published papers and 11 patent applications.

M.S., Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University


  • Research on distributed systems and on applications for Flash memory.

Consultant, Data Analysis McDonald's Corp.


  • Implemented a custom geographical information system to analyze store sales.

Research Associate, Bioinformatics Argonne National Lab


  • Invented an algorithm for reconstructing DNA sequences from noisy oligonucleotide hybridization data.
  • Designed and implemented software for querying and viewing genetic maps, DNA sequences, and metabolic pathways.

B.A., Biology and Mathematics University of Chicago


  • Post-graduate study in molecular genetics and cell biology, 1989-1991.
