[Syllabus] [Course work & policies] [Reading] [Resources] [Learning objectives] [Prerequisites] [2018 course page]
Final Exam:
This exam is closed book. You may bring two pages (or one page, front and back) of your own notes.
I will be bringing coffee and donuts. Please arrive a few minutes early, if you would like to make yourself a cup of coffee.
An advanced introduction to computational molecular biology, using an applied algorithms approach. The course will survey established algorithmic methods, including pairwise sequence alignment and dynamic programming, multiple sequence alignment, fast database search heuristics, hidden Markov models for molecular motifs, and gene finding. We will explore emerging computational problems in genomics through special topics lectures and literature assignments in 03-711.
Lectures: T,Th 10:30am-11:50am Location: Porter Hall A22
Instructor: Dr. Maureen Stolzer
Location: Mellon Institute, 650
Office hours:
Last modified: September 12, 2019.
Maintained by Maureen Stolzer.