M.C. Tschantz, A. Datta, and J.M. Wing
Purpose Restrictions on Information Use
18th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 2013 (to appear)
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M. C. Tschantz, A. Datta, and J. M. Wing
Formalizing and Enforcing Purpose Restrictions in Privacy Policies
33rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2012
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M. C. Tschantz, D. Kaynar, and A. Datta
Formal Verification of Differential Privacy for Interactive Systems (Extended Abstract)
27th Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Invited Paper, 2011
 Read the full version: here
K. Fisler, S. Krishnamurthi, L. A. Meyerovich, and M. C. Tschantz
Verification and Change-Impact Analysis of Access-Control Policies
27th International Conference on Software Engineering (I.C.S.E.), 2005
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 Try the software: Margrave
 A related tech. report with proofs: (p.d.f.)
M. Benisch, A. Greenwald, I. Grypari, R. Lederman, V. Naroditskiy, and M. C. Tschantz
Botticelli: A Supply Chain Management Agent
Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (A.A.M.A.S.), 2004
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M. Benisch, A. Greenwald, V. Naroditskiy, and M. C. Tschantz
A Stochastic Programming Approach to Scheduling in T.A.C. S.C.M.
A.C.M. Electronic Commerce Conference, 2004
 Read the paper: (p.d.f.)