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Miaomiao Wen



My Google Scholar Profile

I am a PhD student at the Language Technology Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. My adviser is Carolyn Penstein Rose. I am interested in computational sociolinguistics.


I defended my PhD thesis!

Investigating Virtual Teams in Massive Open Online Courses: Deliberation-based Virtual Team Formation, Discussion Mining and Support

Thanks to my commitee: Carolyn P. Rose (CMU), James Herbsleb (CMU), Steven Dow (University of California, San Diego), Anne Trumbore (Wharton Online Learning Initiatives), Candace Thille (Stanford University)

Recent Papers

Miaomiao Wen, Nancy Baym, Omer Tamuz, Jaime Teevan, Susan Dumais, and Adam Kalai. OMG UR Funny! Computer-Aided Humor with an Application to Chat. ICCC'15, 2015(fulltext,ppt).
In the news:

Miaomiao Wen, Diyi Yang and Carolyn Penstein Rose. Linguistic Reflections of Student Engagement in Massive Open Online Courses. ICWSM'14, 2014(Oral Paper, fulltext).

Miaomiao Wen and Carolyn Penstein Rose. Identifying Latent Study Habits by Mining Learner Behavior Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses. CIKM'14, 2014( fulltext).

Miaomiao Wen, Diyi Yang and Carolyn Penstein Rose. Sentiment Analysis in MOOC Discussion Forums: What does it tell us?. EDM'14, 2014(Oral Paper, fulltext).

Miaomiao Wen, Zeyu Zheng, Hyeju Jang, Guang Xiang, and Carolyn Rose. Extracting Events with Informal Temporal References in Personal Histories in Online Communities. ACL'13, 2013, fulltext (Please contact me for our dataset!)

Carolyn Rose, Ryan Carlson, Diyi Yang, Miaomiao Wen, Lauren Resnick, Pam Goldman, and Jennifer Sheerer. Social Factors that Contribute to Attrition in MOOCs, ACM: Learning @ Scale, 2014(fulltext).

Miaomiao Wen and Carolyn Penstein Rosé, Understanding Participant Behavior Trajectories in Online Health Support Groups Using Automatic Extraction Methods, in the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group), 2012(fulltext)

Elijah Mayfield, Miaomiao Wen, Mitch Golant, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé, Discovering Habits of Effective Online Support Group Chatrooms, in the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group), 2012

Guang Xiang, Zeyu Zheng, Miaomiao Wen, Jason Hong and Carolyn Penstein Rosé , and Chao Liu. A Supervised Approach to Predict Company Acquisition with Factual and Topic Features Using Profiles and News Articles on TechCrunch. ICWSM'12 (short paper), 2012. Find more details and download our corpus

More about me

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My hubby:), who is working at Google Pittsburgh.

Available on request