Carnegie Mellon University
15-415 - Database Applications
Spring 2003
Final exam study guidelines
1. Material to be examined:
1.1. From the textbook, 3rd Edition.
- Material from midterm study guide: Skim through to refresh your memory - there will not be questions directly focusing on that material, but some of the final questions require application and knowledge of techniques explained in these chapters.
- Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 (plus the System R optimizer), 16, 17, 18
- Chapter 19: Sections 19.1-19.7
- Chapter 20: 20-1-20.10
1.2. Foils
Also, all the instructor lecture foils and notes that are on the web.
2. Old final exams
Here is an older final exam, and solutions (internal to CMU).
3. Additional information:
- The exam questions will be very similar to the exercises in
the textbook, so practice by answering as many of them as you can!
- One double-sided, 8" by 11" page with notes per student is allowed (no books or other notes), and no laptops or calculators or PDAs.
- Time and place of exam: Thursday May 8, 2003 8:30am-11:30am at DH 1212