Nguyen Bach (Bạch Hưng
Research Assistant
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Currently at CMU, I am exploring methods for preserving cohesions cross languages. Some questions which I want to find solutions are 1) How to incorporate dependency structures into machine translation frameworks? ; 2) How to exploit dependency structures in reordering models? ; 3) How to use parallel dependency structures?. Arabic, Iraqi, Farsi, Pashto, Dari, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and English are my working languages. The other things I am working on are speech-to-speech translation and named entities translation.
In the summer 2004, I attend the JHU Summer School on Human Language Technology supported by NSF and NAACL. Before I came to |
The most fearful but interesting thing I ever did
was playing Bungy Jumping. I tried it in Cairns, Autralia,
in 1999. [pic1][pic2][pic3] In summer 2005, I tried rafting at Yosemite, CA. Well, that's awesome. Very very dangerous with rapids in level 4 and 5. I have to say my rafting experience can be comparable with bungy jumping. I traveled a lot in summer 2005, about 2 weeks in the west coast and the same amount of time in the east side. I love to eat different kinds of food. I tasted dishes
of Jew, Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Afghanistan, Mexico, America, England,
Australia, Italia, Germany, France, India, and of course Vietnam. The one who knows the most languages I ever met is
Prof. Mixdorff. He can speak German, Russian, French,
Spanish, English, Chinese, Japanese, and The poorest place I ever went to is a I lived 23 years in Vietnam, 1 month in Australia, 2 years in Baltimore, MD. Now I am living in Pittsburgh, PA. I love all of these places but I love Vietnam most. |
modified: June 9, 2008