Here you will find various pictures that I have felt were worth posting.
The PLAID Group - A picture of my research group.
Flickr Album -
From this point on, I will be posting new pictures here, on my Flickr site.
Trip to Chicago -
This was my first trip to Chicago, visiting Kevin who was doing an internship
there at Accenture. The pictures aren't too exctiting, but the trip was
a whole lotta fun.
Random Distance Race 2006 -
The Random Distance Race
was the first race in which I have ever participated.
Here are a bunch of neat pictures of me and others running. Thanks a lot to
for taking these pictures!
The Ten Friends - A portrait project that I did for my photography class. Pictures of nine of my friends and me. The scans are a little dark, however.
Mardi Gras 2005 - Another project that I did for my photography class. These are pictures of my trip back to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.
Los Angeles - Another project that I did for my photography class. Three unrelated pictures of Los Angeles.
Neno, etc. - A great picture of our research group having dinner.
Pictures from Freshman year - Here is a collection of pictures taken all the way back in 2001, my freshman year of college.
The X Games X - I went to the X Games this year (2004) in LA. Here are the pictures.