I am an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University, with joint appointments in the Machine Learning and Computer Science departments. My group's research is centered around AI for the Science of Science, and more broadly in the fields of machine learning, statistics, information theory, game theory, and social choice theory. We develop algorithms with strong theoretical guarantees, as well as conduct large-scale controlled experiments for evidence-based policy design and real-world deployments.

Our research uses human-AI collaboration to address fundamental questions about scientific work: Is the research correct? Is it high-quality? Is it fundable, or even authentic? These questions are critical because inaccurate or flawed scientific findings can disrupt subsequent research, resulting in significant setbacks to scientific advancement. Additionally, problems in research evaluation affect billions of dollars in funding decisions, have directly contributed to fatalities in areas such as biomedicine, and impose substantial stress on students whose careers depend on fair assessment. Moreover, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of published science is crucial for maintaining public trust.

Our research has already been used in the evaluation of over 100,000 research papers and thousands of grant proposals, demonstrating substantial real-world impact. Beyond science, the challenges our research addresses extend naturally into other domains, and the algorithms we have developed are also deployed in diverse applications such as admissions decisions and competition judging.

I tend to keep my research group relatively small and work very closely with all of my students.

Survey on Challenges, Solutions, and Experiments in Peer Review, and associated tutorial slides

Blog on various aspects of academia, research, and peer review

Email: nihars [at] cs.cmu.edu
Office: GHC 8211


Justin Payan
Justin Payan
Postdoc, Machine Learning Department
Alexander Goldberg
Alexander Goldberg
PhD student, Computer Science Department
(advised jointly with Giulia Fanti)
Sarina Xi
Sarina Xi
MS student, Machine Learning
Vishisht Rao
Vishisht Rao
MS student, Machine Learning
Arshika Lalan
Arshika Lalan
MS student, Machine Learning
Orelia Pi
Orelia Pi
BS student, Computer Science
Noemi Barbagli
Noemi Barbagli
BS student, Statistics and Machine Learning


Charvi Rastogi
Charvi Rastogi
PhD, Machine Learning Department
(advised jointly with Ken Holstein)
Steven Jecmen
Steven Jecmen
PhD, Computer Science Department
(advised jointly with Fei Fang)
Ivan Stelmakh
Ivan Stelmakh
PhD, Machine Learning Department
(advised jointly with Aarti Singh)
Jingyan Wang
Jingyan Wang
PhD, Robotics Institute
Janet Hsieh
Janet (Jhih-Yi) Hsieh
MS in Computer Science
(advised jointly with Aditi Raghunathan)
Ryan Liu
Ryan Liu
BS and MS in Computer Science
Carmel Baharav
Carmel Baharav
BS in Computer Science
Komal Dhull
Komal Dhull
BS in Computer Science
Wenxin Ding
Wenxin Ding
MS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics and Computer Science
(advised jointly with Weina Wang)
Qiqi Xu
Qiqi Xu
MS in Machine Learning
(advised jointly with Hoda Heidari)

We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation, CMU Block center, CMU CyLab, ONR, a Google Research Scholar award, a JP Morgan Faculty Research Award, and an NSF-Amazon Fair AI research grant.


Fall 2024 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2024 15-281 Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving
Fall 2023 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Fall 2022 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2022 15-780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2021 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2021 15-780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2020 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2020 15-780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2019 10-715 Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
Spring 2019 15-780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2017 10-709 Fundamentals of Learning from the Crowd

In my spare time, I am also creating introductory machine learning short lectures in Hindi, accessible to anyone without requiring any math or programming knowledge: Link to Youtube videos


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