Office: GHC 8205
Phone: 412-268-5295
Email: ninamf AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu
I am the Cadence Design Systems Professor of Computer Science
at Carnegie Mellon University. My main research interests are in
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and theoretical computer
science. Current research focus includes:
Foundations for modern machine learning. These include new
analysis models and principled, practical algorithms for
interactive learning, learning from limited supervision,
distributed learning, learning representations, and life-long
Algorithm design and analysis, including the use of machine
learning for algorithm design and beyond the worst-case analysis
of algorithms.
Computational and data-driven approaches in game theory and
Computational, learning theoretic, and game theoretic aspects
of multi-agent systems.
I am a Simons Investigator and a recipient of the 2019 ACM Grace
Murray Hopper Award (awarded to the outstanding young computer
professional of the year). I was a Program Committee Co-chair for NeurIPS 2020, ICML 2016, and COLT 2014.
I was recently the Uhlenbeck Lecturer at the Women in Mathematics
program at Princeton (2022), an invited speaker at International
Congress of Mathematicians (2022) and at the Stony Brook
International Conference on Game Theory (2021). For more information
see my my