Ning Hu
PHONE : (O) 412-268-1557 (M) 412-401-8341
Multimedia (especially Music / Audio) Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Machine Learning, Audio Analysis and Computer Music
2002 - Present Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
Ph.D. Student, Computer Science
Advisor: Roger B. Dannenberg
Granted M.S. in Computer Science (May 2003)
2000 - 2002 School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Master, Entertainment Technology
1996 – 2000 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B.E., Computer Science and Technology
2000 – Present Computer Music Group, Carnegie Mellon University
- Music Information Retrieval (MIR)
- Investigated and designed the retrieval techniques for "Query-by-Humming" IR system and algorithms (Dynamic Programming and Hidden Markov Model) for melodic similarity comparison
- Collaborated to design interactive interfaces for future, intelligent music browsers and databases
- Automatic Audio Analysis
- Researched the polyphonic structural analysis of music by using adaptive Dynamic Programming on audio (spectrum, chroma) and / or symbolic (MIDI) representations
- Designed and implemented Hidden Markov Model for precise audio alignment
- Computer Music
- Designed and developed a high-quality piano synthesizer and a most popular windows IDE for Nyquist (a sound synthesis & composition language)
2001 – 2002 Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University
- Training for Physical Tasks in Virtual Environments: Tai Chi
- Collaborated to develop a wireless virtual reality system that combines full-body real-time motion capture and wireless head-mounted display. A prototype full-body Tai Chi training application was also built with it
- Solely responsible for Researching and implementing real-time filters (damping filter, low pass filter, Kalman filter, etc.) for noisy motion capture data, and analyzing Tai Chi experiment data through various statistical approaches
1999 – 2000 Human Interaction & Media Integration Lab, Tsinghua University
- MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 standards research and applications
- Independently implemented a simple yet working MPEG-1 video surveillance system in Visual C++ as the diploma project
- Completed the thesis about MPEG standards research and algorithm improvements on video data compression and object tracking
2002 Summer Research Intern Language Technology Institute, CMU
- Took part in the development of JAVELIN, an open-domain question answering system, and prepared it for the TREC 2002 question-answering track.
- Solely responsible for the development and improvement on one of the main components Request Filler, which identifies and scores answers from a set of potentially relevant documents. Major contributions include component expansion for new answer types, feature vectors evaluation and selection, decision tree classifier (c4.5) training and improvement, new classifier (K-Nearest-Neighbor implementing KD-trees) development, data and result analysis, module maintenance, etc.
1999 - 2000 Part-time programmer
- Independently developed a multi-player online game engine in JAVA
- Took part in the development of several JAVA online games
Spring, 2003 Graduate Database System course project Carnegie Mellon University
- Ning Hu and Minglong Shao, "Kalman-Tree: an Index Structure on Spatio-Temporal Data"
- The project proposes a modified R-tree indexing structure (KR-tree) targeting the future location estimation problem in spatio-temporal databases, by integrating the useful estimator Kalman filter.
Fall, 2002 Grad. Computer Architecture course project Carnegie Mellon University
Spring, 2002 Computer Animation course project Carnegie Mellon University
- Ning Hu, Philo Chua, Kevin Auyoung, "Musically Interactive Rendered Animation (MIRA)"
- Built an animated figure that dances on stage with the rhythm / music using an existing set of motion capture data. Main techniques involved are Motion Capture, Motion Blending, Beat Tracking, Non-Photorealistic Rendering
2001 Earth Theater project Entertainment Technology CTR, CMU
- Collaborated to create an interactive and educational virtual reality show for the Earth Theater at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh
- Personally in charge of sound design and the implementation of a networking Client / Server program dealing with spatialized audio effect
2000 "Jam-O-Drum" project Entertainment Technology CTR, CMU
- Collaborated to develop new experiences for "Jam-O-Drum", a musical interaction device invented by Tina Blaine(Bean). Our project was exhibited on both SIGGRAPH 2001 and Interface 2001.
- My contributions include brain-storming and developing interactive games for "Jam-O-Drum" on Macintosh in C++, music composition and sound design
Fall, 2003 Teaching Assistant Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Fall, 2002 Teaching Assistant Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Summer, 1998 Teaching Assistant Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- JAVA Programming
- C Programming
2002 – Present Doctorate Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
2000 – 2002 Graduate Research Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University
1996 – 2000 First Class Scholarship for outstanding students every year
1996 First Prize of the 96' National Olympiad In Informatics, rank top 1 in Hainan Province
1999 – 2000 Vice Director, Student Council of Tsinghua University
1996 – 2000 Alto saxophone player, Marching Band, Tsinghua University
Conductor, Computer Science Department Chorus, Tsinghua Univ.
- The Musart Testbed for Query-By-Humming Evaluation
- Dannenberg, Birmingham, Tzanetakis, Meek, Ning Hu, Pardo, Proc. 4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2003
- Also to appear in Computer Music Journal, 2004
- Polyphonic Audio Matching and Alignment for Music Retrieval
- Ning Hu, Roger B. Dannenberg and George Tzanetakis, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2003
- Polyphonic Audio Matching for Score Following and Intelligent Audio Editors
- Roger B. Dannenberg and Ning Hu, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2003
- Toward an Intelligent Editor for Jazz Music
- George Tzanetakis, Ning Hu and Roger B. Dannenberg, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), 2003
- Training for Physical Tasks in Virtual Environments: Tai Chi
- Chua, Crivella, Daly, Ning Hu, Schaaf, Ventura, Camill, Hodgins, Pausch, Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2003
- The JAVELIN Question-Answering System at TREC 2002
- Nyberg, Mitamura, Carbonell, Callan, Collins-Thompson, Czuba, Duggan, Hiyakumoto, Ning Hu, Huang, Ko, Lita, Murtagh, Pedro and Svoboda, Proc. TREC 11, Nov 2002
- Pattern Discovery Techniques for Music Audio
- Roger B. Dannenberg and Ning Hu, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2002
- A Probabilistic Model of Melodic Similarity
- Ning Hu, Roger B. Dannenberg and Ann L. Lewis, Proc. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2002
- Discovering Musical Structure in Audio Recordings
- Roger B. Dannenberg and Ning Hu, Proc. 2nd Int. Conference in Music & Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI), 2002.
Also appeared in the book Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2445
- A Comparison of Melodic Database Retrieval Techniques Using Sung Queries
- Ning Hu and Roger B. Dannenberg, Proc. Second ACM / IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital libraries (JCDL), 2002
- Languages: C / C++, Java, Pascal, Python, Perl, LISP, SQL, 80x86 / Alpha Assembly
- OS: Windows 9x / NT / 2000 / XP, Linux / Unix, DOS
- IDE: GNU GCC, Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual C++, Visual J++, Visual Basic), Matlab, Delphi, Borland JBuilder
- API / SDK: DirectX, OpenGL, WinSock / Berkeley Socket API, MFC/Win32 API, Windows multimedia system SDK