0. DOCID:30542 SCORE: 0.0043915758430186
DOCNO: 12575990
QUALIFIER: metabolism
AUTHOR: Ronen Marmorstein R
AFFILIATION: The Wistar Institute, The Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. marmor@wistar.upenn.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Trends in biochemical sciences.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Structure of SET domain proteins: a new twist on histone methylation.
PUBDATE: 20030201
The methylation of lysine residues on histone tails is catalyzed by proteins containing a conserved SET domain. A recent flurry of structures of SET domain proteins has revealed a new protein fold and a scaffold for understanding catalysis and substrate binding by these enzymes. The prospect that histone methylation might form an epigenetic code and the implicated involvement of SET domain proteins in cancer assures that structure-function studies of these enzymes will continue until their detailed mechanism of action is determined.

1. DOCID:31562 SCORE: 0.00356365729325855
DOCNO: 12607585
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: Asif Rashid A
AFFILIATION: Department of Pathology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 85, Houston, TX 77030-4095, USA. arashid@mdanderson.org
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Surgical oncology clinics of North America.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Cellular and molecular biology of biliary tract cancers.
PUBDATE: 20021001
Cancer of the biliary tract has been associated with point mutations of K-ras and beta-catenin proto-oncogenes; alterations of p53, p16, APC, and DPC4 tumor suppressor genes by a combination of chromosomal deletion, mutation, or methylation; and infrequently microsatellite instability. The frequencies of these alterations vary by location and race of the patient, tumor subsite, histology, and associated disease. Advances in the understanding of the genetics of this disease will help in diagnosing biliary tract cancer, screening at-risk patients, and developing therapies.

2. DOCID:31129 SCORE: 0.00266899879059138
DOCNO: 15510898
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: Zbigniew Wolski Z
AUTHOR: Tomasz Drewa T
AUTHOR: Dorota Olszewska-Słonina D
AUTHOR: Olivier Cussenot O
AFFILIATION: Klinika Urologii AM w Bydgoszczy.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego.
TITLE: [Hereditary prostate cancer]
PUBDATE: 20040601
About 10% of the prostate cancer cases were recognized as familial or hereditary. Till now gene/genes responsible for hereditary prostate cancer are not identified. Hereditary prostate cancer case concerning 3 brothers in family of 6 siblings from first marriage and a grandson from second marriage was presented. Two brothers were treated radical prostatectomy because of confined disease. The third brother with spreading disease died after androgen blockade management. We did not find any linkage between chosen markers of PCaP region (Predisposing for Prostate Cancer) and prostate cancer occurrence in this family.

3. DOCID:31091 SCORE: 0.00266898481264378
DOCNO: 12957621
QUALIFIER: pathology
QUALIFIER: physiopathology
QUALIFIER: methods
AUTHOR: Morton S Kahlenberg MS
AUTHOR: John M Sullivan JM
AUTHOR: Diana Dickson Witmer DD
AUTHOR: Nicholas J Petrelli NJ
AFFILIATION: Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA. kahlenberg@uthscsa.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Surgical oncology.
COUNTRY: Netherlands
TITLE: Molecular prognostics in colorectal cancer.
PUBDATE: 20031101
Conventional staging of colorectal cancer does not account for the marked variability in outcome that exists within each stage. Certain populations of patients with early recurrence, resistance to chemotherapy and decreased survival cannot be predicted utilizing common histopathologic criteria. As the molecular mechanisms underlying colorectal carcinogenesis are elucidated, putative molecular prognostic factors are identified. A comprehensive review of various molecular markers and their roles as prognostic factors in colorectal cancer is presented.

4. DOCID:31644 SCORE: 0.00240117098639313
DOCNO: 15756232
DESCRIPTOR: Liver Transplantation
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: complications
AUTHOR: Isabelle Scheers I
AUTHOR: Vincent Bachy V
AUTHOR: Xavier Stephenne X
AUTHOR: Etienne Marc Sokal EM
AFFILIATION: Département de Pédiatrie, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Journal of pediatrics.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in liver mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders.
PUBDATE: 20050301
Mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders (MRCD) are a large group of disorders that can affect any organ besides muscles or the central nervous system. We report two children who presented with neonatal cholestasis and progressive cirrhosis, who subsequently developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This suggests a particular risk of degeneration in these patients and the importance of a regular screening for secondary liver cancer. Suggestion of HCC should lead to early liver transplantation, which was successful without tumor recurrence in the two patients.

5. DOCID:29882 SCORE: 0.00225370967244403
DOCNO: 15137933
QUALIFIER: virology
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: immunology
AUTHOR: Maria Alice Guimarães Gonçalves MA
AUTHOR: Eduardo Antonio Donadi EA
AFFILIATION: Clinical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Prreto, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. epigin@uol.com.br
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases.
TITLE: Immune cellular response to HPV: current concepts.
PUBDATE: 20040201
Although cellular immunity is essential for the elimination of human papillomavirus (HPV), the mechanisms involved are still poorly understood. We summarize the main mechanisms involved in cellular immune response to infections caused by HPV. Immunotherapies for HPV-related cancers require the disruption of T-cell response control mechanisms, associated with the stimulation of the Th1 cytokine response.

6. DOCID:29049 SCORE: 0.00215720168063888
DOCNO: 16217214
STATUS: In-Process
AUTHOR: April Hazard Vallerand AH
AUTHOR: Maureen Anthony M
AUTHOR: Mitzi M Saunders MM
AFFILIATION: College of Nursing, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202, USA. April.Vallerand@wayne.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Home healthcare nurse.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Home care nurses' perceptions of control over cancer pain.
PUBDATE: 20051001
This qualitative study examined home care nurses' perceptions of control over cancer pain. Four major themes emerged: Being heard, feeling invisible in the pain management process; not knowing, a need for pain education; control through advocacy; and patient-related barriers to optimal pain management. This study documents the need for continued education in pain management and communication skills for home care nurses.

7. DOCID:31684 SCORE: 0.0021431827606571
DOCNO: 12735680
QUALIFIER: chemical synthesis
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
QUALIFIER: chemical synthesis
QUALIFIER: chemical synthesis
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
AUTHOR: Sang Kook Lee SK
AUTHOR: Kyung Ae Nam KA
AUTHOR: Yeon Hoi Hoe YH
AUTHOR: Hye-Young Min HY
AUTHOR: Eun-Young Kim EY
AUTHOR: Hyojin Ko H
AUTHOR: Soyoung Song S
AUTHOR: Taeho Lee T
AUTHOR: Sanghee Kim S
AFFILIATION: College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University, 11-1 Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-ku, Seoul 120-750, Korea. sklee@ewha.ac.kr
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Archives of pharmacal research.
COUNTRY: Korea (South)
TITLE: Synthesis and evaluation of cytotoxicity of stilbene analogues.
PUBDATE: 20030401
Resveratrol analogs were newly synthesized and evaluated for cytotoxicity in cultured human lung and colon cancer cells. 3,5,4-Trimethoxy-trans-stilbene and 3,5,2',4'-tetramethoxy-trans-stilbene were found to be more potent rather than resveratrol. 3,4,5-Trimethoxy-4'-bromo-cis-stilbene was the most active among the test compounds.

8. DOCID:28685 SCORE: 0.00209090371855949
DOCNO: 15049052
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
QUALIFIER: etiology
AUTHOR: János Fehér J
AUTHOR: Gabriella Lengyel G
AFFILIATION: Semmelweis Egyetem, Altalános Orvostudományi Kar, II. Belgyógyászati Klinika, Budapest. feher@bel2.sote.hu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Orvosi hetilap.
COUNTRY: Hungary
TITLE: [Risk factors of liver tumors]
PUBDATE: 20040201
The primary hepatocellular carcinoma can be found most frequently (70-80%) in patients with liver cirrhosis. The causative role of hepatitis B és C viruses have been well established in the pathogenesis of liver cancer. The occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma is about 3-15% in patients with alcoholic liver disease. Other pathogenic factors are the smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and different chemical agents.

9. DOCID:30990 SCORE: 0.00206674520073499
DOCNO: 12466047
DESCRIPTOR: Drug Resistance, Multiple
DESCRIPTOR: Drug Resistance, Neoplasm
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
AUTHOR: Yu-Jen Chen YJ
AFFILIATION: Department of Radiation Oncology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 104, China. oncoman@sinamail.com
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Acta pharmacologica Sinica.
TITLE: Potential role of tetrandrine in cancer therapy.
PUBDATE: 20021201
Tetrandrine, a bisbenylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from the dried root of Stephenia tetrandra S Moore, exhibits very broad pharmacological actions, including anti-tumor activity. The beneficial effects of tetrandrine on tumor cell cytotoxicity and radiosensitization, multidrug resistance, normal tissue radioprotection, and angiogenesis are most promising and deserve great attention. Tetrandrine has potential either as a tumoricidal agent or as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. To evaluate the potential clinical efficacy of tetrandrine for cancer therapy, more mechanism-based pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic studies are required.

10. DOCID:29973 SCORE: 0.00198367181994262
DOCNO: 15516963
DESCRIPTOR: Developing Countries
DESCRIPTOR: Epidemiologic Studies
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
AUTHOR: Tanuja Rastogi T
AUTHOR: Allan Hildesheim A
AUTHOR: Rashmi Sinha R
AFFILIATION: Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute, NIH, DHHS, 6120 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland 20852, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Nature reviews. Cancer.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Opportunities for cancer epidemiology in developing countries.
PUBDATE: 20041101
Most cancer epidemiology studies involve people living in North America and Europe, which represent only a fraction of the global population. The wide variety of dietary, lifestyle and environmental exposures, as well as the genetic variation among people in developing countries can provide valuable new information on factors that contribute to cancer or that protect against it. What are the challenges and advantages to performing large epidemiological studies in developing nations?

11. DOCID:31375 SCORE: 0.00194898299539191
DOCNO: 15814061
DESCRIPTOR: Nurse Clinicians
DESCRIPTOR: Nurse's Role
QUALIFIER: nursing
QUALIFIER: psychology
QUALIFIER: nursing
QUALIFIER: psychology
AUTHOR: Nancy Parkinson N
AUTHOR: Heather Pratt H
AFFILIATION: Gynaecological Oncology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. nancy.parkinson@orh.nhs.uk
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The journal of the British Menopause Society.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Clinical nurse specialists and the psychosexual needs of patients with gynaecological cancer.
PUBDATE: 20050301
Due to improved survival rates many women have been left with chronic problems following treatment for a gynaecological cancer. These include psychosexual issues, premature menopause and infertility. Common sexual problems may result from low self-esteem, loss of femininity, vaginal stenosis and dryness. In the UK, clinical nurse specialists are recognized as key members of the multidisciplinary teams required to care for women diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer. Their role in providing information and support with special reference to psychosexual problems is examined.

12. DOCID:30920 SCORE: 0.00186687889306223
DOCNO: 16107831
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: physiology
QUALIFIER: immunology
QUALIFIER: virology
AUTHOR: Francis V Chisari FV
AFFILIATION: The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. fchisari@scripps.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Unscrambling hepatitis C virus-host interactions.
PUBDATE: 20050801
The human suffering exacted by the hepatitis C virus is enormous. Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from liver failure and cancer caused by this infection. There is no vaccine, and the available antiviral drugs are toxic, expensive and only partly effective. Progress has been hindered by the absence of cell culture and small-animal models of the infection. Nonetheless, recent advances have yielded several promising new antiviral drugs and enhanced the prospects of developing a vaccine. The recent development of a robust in vitro hepatitis C virus infection system will aid this search.

13. DOCID:28550 SCORE: 0.00185570654806822
DOCNO: 16215820
DESCRIPTOR: Spinal Nerves
QUALIFIER: secondary
AUTHOR: Sindhu Ramchandren S
AUTHOR: Josep Dalmau J
AFFILIATION: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Journal of neuro-oncology.
COUNTRY: Netherlands
TITLE: Metastases to the peripheral nervous system.
PUBDATE: 20051001
Cancer metastasis can affect any part of the nervous system. When the peripheral nervous system is involved, the usual targets are cranial nerves, nerve roots and plexi. However, peripheral nerves and muscles can also be affected by compression or infiltration of neoplastic cells. This review focuses in the diagnosis and treatment of metastatic complications of cancer involving plexi, peripheral nerves and muscles.

14. DOCID:28585 SCORE: 0.00185570652925905
DOCNO: 16263400
QUALIFIER: etiology
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
AUTHOR: Vivek N Ahya VN
AUTHOR: Steven M Kawut SM
AFFILIATION: Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Division, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. ahyav@uphs.upenn.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Clinics in chest medicine.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Noninfectious pulmonary complications after lung transplantation.
PUBDATE: 20051201
This article reviews several important noninfectious pulmonary complications that threaten survival, pulmonary function, and quality of life after lung transplantation. Topics reviewed include primary graft dysfunction (PGD), native lung hyperinflation, anastomotic complications, phrenic nerve injury, pleural complications, lung cancer, pulmonary toxicity associated with immunosuppressive medications, and exercise limitation.