0. DOCID:29548 SCORE: 0.00503178589669696
DOCNO: 15582892
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: surgery
AUTHOR: Marc Galiano M
AUTHOR: Fabrice Dugardin F
AUTHOR: François Rozet F
AUTHOR: Xavier Cathelineau X
AUTHOR: Guy Vallancien G
AFFILIATION: Institut mutualiste Montsouris, Université René-Descartes Paris V, 42 boulevard Jourdan, 75674 Paris cedex 14.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Bulletin du cancer.
TITLE: [The surgical management of recurrent urological malignancies after primary ablative therapy]
PUBDATE: 20041101
This literature review highlights the surgical management of recurrent urological malignancies after primary ablative therapy. In particular, recurrent nonseminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCT) post-chemotherapy, recurrent bladder cancer post-cystectomy, loco-regional recurrence of prostate cancer after radiotherapy, and loco-regional recurrence of renal cell carcinoma after radical nephrectomy. The indications, operative technique, complications and outcomes of each malignancy are discussed.

1. DOCID:31471 SCORE: 0.0042250177937737
DOCNO: 12063827
DESCRIPTOR: Infusions, Intra-Arterial
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
QUALIFIER: administration & dosage
QUALIFIER: drug therapy
AUTHOR: Matthias Lorenz M
AUTHOR: Stefan Heinrich S
AFFILIATION: Department of General and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany. M.Lorenz@em.uni-frankfurt.de
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Hematology/oncology clinics of North America.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Regional chemotherapy.
PUBDATE: 20020201
Regional chemotherapy is an interesting treatment option in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer but cannot be considered standard treatment, and it should not be performed outside controlled clinical trials. The real value of regional chemotherapy must be evaluated in larger, randomized trials. New drug combinations may reduce the observed side effects and improve tumor response. Gene therapy with p53 and K-ras modulated herpesviruses may become a palliative treatment option and can be administered easily by regional chemotherapy techniques [23].

2. DOCID:31023 SCORE: 0.00422491139190602
DOCNO: 16050939
QUALIFIER: drug effects
QUALIFIER: pharmacology
AUTHOR: Susan G Lakoski SG
AUTHOR: David M Herrington DM
AFFILIATION: Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Effects of oestrogen receptor-active compounds on lipid metabolism.
PUBDATE: 20050901
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) have been used successfully in the treatment of breast cancer and osteoporosis while Tibolone has been used extensively in Europe for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Limited data is available on the effect of these agents on the cardiovascular system. Traditional and novel lipid markers are valuable in determining patients at increased cardiovascular risk. The purpose of this article is to discuss the mechanism of action of Tamoxifen, Raloxifene and Tibolone and their effects on lipid metabolism.

3. DOCID:31899 SCORE: 0.0040929514514484
DOCNO: 14702915
DESCRIPTOR: Nurse's Role
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: psychology
QUALIFIER: standards
QUALIFIER: standards
QUALIFIER: nursing
AUTHOR: James R Zabora JR
AUTHOR: Matthew J Loscalzo MJ
AUTHOR: Jason Weber J
AFFILIATION: National Catholic School of Social Service, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave, 102 Shahan Hall, Washington, DC 20064, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Seminars in oncology nursing.
COUNTRY: United States
TITLE: Managing complications in cancer: identifying and responding to the patient's perspective.
PUBDATE: 20031101
OBJECTIVES: To describe psychosocial problems experienced by cancer patients and present assessment tools to evaluate these issues and develop effective management programs. DATA SOURCES: Published literature and clinical experience. CONCLUSION: A screening program may identify patients needing psychologic evaluation and treatment and reduce distress for patients and caregivers. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Use of screening tools allows critical decisions to be made regarding treatment for patients with high levels of distress, fatigue, and other conditions.

4. DOCID:30694 SCORE: 0.00405447519908823
DOCNO: 16311648
STATUS: In-Process
AUTHOR: Faris Q Alenzi FQ
AFFILIATION: Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Faisal University, PO Box 2114, Dammam 31451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. faris_alenzi@hotmail.com
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Saudi medical journal.
COUNTRY: Saudi Arabia
TITLE: Apoptosis and diseases: regulation and clinical relevance.
PUBDATE: 20051101
It is increasingly clear that apoptosis plays a central role in the pathogenesis of several human diseases. For instance, an increase in apoptosis leads to cell loss accompanied by neurodegenerative diseases, whereas we know that genetically determined defects of apoptosis result in deregulated cell proliferation, typical of cancer. Hence, apoptosis may be relevant as therapeutic targets for many human diseases. This article reviews briefly the regulation and the clinical relevance of apoptotic mechanisms in several different human diseases.

5. DOCID:30599 SCORE: 0.00405447438222321
DOCNO: 15875146
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: surgery
QUALIFIER: methods
AUTHOR: J R Siewert JR
AUTHOR: H Bartels H
AFFILIATION: Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift für alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen.
COUNTRY: Germany
TITLE: [Abdomino-right-thoracic esophagectomy with intrathoracic anastomosis in Barrett's cancer]
PUBDATE: 20050601
The modified technique of abdomino-right-thoracic esophagectomy (the Lewis-Tanner approach) is increasingly being favoured as the surgical procedure of choice in patients with resectable adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus, so-called Barrett's cancer. The technical details of this procedure and the reconstruction of gastrointestinal continuity using a gastric tube with high intrathoracic anastomosis are illustrated, as they have proved useful in our own practice during recent years.

6. DOCID:28854 SCORE: 0.00325436450950068
DOCNO: 12568049
DESCRIPTOR: Attitude of Health Personnel
DESCRIPTOR: Organizational Innovation
DESCRIPTOR: Social Change
QUALIFIER: organization & administration
AUTHOR: Rose Gollop R
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Health service journal.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Modernisation. Fear of flying.
PUBDATE: 20030101
Interviews with senior managers and clinicians involved in the national booking programme and cancer care collaborative found that scepticism, particularly among doctors, was a barrier to implementing change. Regular feedback and clear evidence of change emerged as key factors in persuading sceptics of the benefits of different ways of working. Getting sceptics on board can be a long process and time spent talking to them is not wasted. Consultants' support is key for endorsing change.

7. DOCID:31537 SCORE: 0.00310555013927698
DOCNO: 14631935
QUALIFIER: adverse effects
QUALIFIER: epidemiology
QUALIFIER: etiology
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
COUNTRY: Ireland
TITLE: ACOG committee opinion. Induced abortion and breast cancer risk. Number 285, August 2003.
PUBDATE: 20031101
The purpose of this Committee Opinion is to provide a review of recent studies regarding the potential relationship between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer and to discuss methodologic challenges in this field of study. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Committee on Gynecologic Practice concludes that early studies of the relationship between prior induced abortion and breast cancer risk have been inconsistent and are difficult to interpret because of methodologic considerations. More rigorous recent studies argue against a causal relationship between induced abortion and a subsequent increase in breast cancer risk.

8. DOCID:31322 SCORE: 0.00291051518449951
DOCNO: 12043997
QUALIFIER: methods
QUALIFIER: metabolism
AUTHOR: Scott E Martin SE
AUTHOR: Blake R Peterson BR
AFFILIATION: Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Journal of peptide science : an official publication of the European Peptide Society.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: A colorimetric enzyme-linked on-bead assay for identification of synthetic substrates of protein tyrosine kinases.
PUBDATE: 20020501
Protein tyrosine kinases play key roles in the progression of numerous human diseases including several types of cancers. We report here a simple colorimetric assay for tyrosine kinase activity employing synthetic peptide substrates prepared on Tentagel synthesis beads. Phosphorylation of compounds on beads was detected with an antiphosphotyrosine antibody complexed with a secondary antibody-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. This assay may prove useful for the identification and characterization of synthetic substrates of this important class of enzymes.

9. DOCID:29422 SCORE: 0.0027908446858619
DOCNO: 15549096
DESCRIPTOR: Aneuploidy
QUALIFIER: genetics
QUALIFIER: genetics
QUALIFIER: pathology
AUTHOR: Harith Rajagopalan H
AUTHOR: Christoph Lengauer C
AFFILIATION: The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1650 Orleans Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21231, USA.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Aneuploidy and cancer.
PUBDATE: 20041101
In contrast to normal cells, aneuploidy--alterations in the number of chromosomes--is consistently observed in virtually all cancers. A growing body of evidence suggests that aneuploidy is often caused by a particular type of genetic instability, called chromosomal instability, which may reflect defects in mitotic segregation in cancer cells. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to aneuploidy holds promise for the development of cancer drugs that target this process.

10. DOCID:31897 SCORE: 0.00276516769552911
DOCNO: 14979960
DESCRIPTOR: Parathyroid Glands
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: complications
QUALIFIER: abnormalities
AUTHOR: A Resouly A
AFFILIATION: Department of Otolaryngology, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK. isrouji@hotmail.com
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: The Journal of laryngology and otology.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Case of thymic parathyroid carcinoma in a haemodialysis patient: application of tumour chemosensitivity testing.
PUBDATE: 20040201
Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare tumour, which is often difficult to diagnose. This is especially true in patients with pre-existing tertiary hyperparathyroidism of end-stage renal disease. A case is presented of parathyroid carcinoma in a haemodialysis patient with unusual thymic involvement. After demonstrating the difficulty in pre-operative diagnosis and risk of recurrence, the importance of non-surgical treatment options is discussed and the investigation of individual tumour chemosensitivity is introduced, which is new to this type of cancer.

11. DOCID:29369 SCORE: 0.0027224053207886
DOCNO: 14769524
QUALIFIER: pathology
QUALIFIER: pathology
QUALIFIER: isolation & purification
AUTHOR: Karine Rollot K
AUTHOR: Jean David Albert JD
AUTHOR: Stéphanie Werner S
AUTHOR: Pierre Tattevin P
AUTHOR: Isabelle Cozic I
AUTHOR: Aleth Perdriger A
AUTHOR: Gérard Chalès G
AUTHOR: Pascal Guggenbuhl P
AFFILIATION: Rheumatology Department, CHU Hôpital Sud 16, Boulevard de Bulgarie, 35056 Rennes cedex 2, France.
PUBTYPE: Case Reports
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme.
TITLE: Campylobacter fetus septic arthritis revealing a malignancy.
PUBDATE: 20040101
Campylobacter fetus is a rare cause of bone and joint infection. We report a new case in a patient who also had endocarditis due to the same organism. This type of infection usually occurs in immunocompromised hosts. Investigations in our patient found a cancer of the prostate.

12. DOCID:29584 SCORE: 0.00268890268233457
DOCNO: 12905761
DESCRIPTOR: Estrogen Replacement Therapy
DESCRIPTOR: Postmenopause
AUTHOR: Qin-sheng Ge QS
AUTHOR: Mei-li Sun ML
AFFILIATION: Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, PUMC Hospital, CAMS, PUMC, Beijing 100730, China.
PUBTYPE: Editorial
JOURNALTITLE: Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae.
TITLE: [Right attitude towards the postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy]
PUBDATE: 20021001
We have gone through decades using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The first problem encountered was increased endometrial cancer and solved by addition of progesterone. Now we are facing cardiovascular complications and how could we solve in the use of HRT. Research in vitro with HUAR and HUVEC and clinically seemed to show that small physiological doses might be the solution in protection of CVD.

13. DOCID:28394 SCORE: 0.00265764687861456
DOCNO: 12661511
QUALIFIER: genetics
QUALIFIER: genetics
AUTHOR: Finn Cilius Nielsen FC
AFFILIATION: Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, H:S Rigshospitalet, DK-2100 København Ø.
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Ugeskrift for laeger.
COUNTRY: Denmark
TITLE: [Molecular cancer biology--from research to clinical practice]
PUBDATE: 20030201
Recent progress in our understanding of the mechanism of transformation has contributed to the development of novel molecular approaches for the detection and classification of cancer. The review focuses on the molecular background of cancer, the role of oncogenic kinases, genetic instability and embryonal signalling pathways. Moreover, examples of novel diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities are described.

14. DOCID:31437 SCORE: 0.00253381302152861
DOCNO: 12503213
QUALIFIER: pathology
QUALIFIER: pathology
AUTHOR: Albert C Leung AC
AUTHOR: Reza Ghavamian R
AFFILIATION: Department of Urology, Albert Einstein College of Medicinel Montefiore Medical Center, 3400 Bainbridge Ave, 5th Floor, Bronx, New York, NY 10467, USA. aleung@alumni.upenn.edu
PUBTYPE: Journal Article
JOURNALTITLE: Expert review of anticancer therapy.
COUNTRY: England
TITLE: Advances in the staging of renal cell carcinoma.
PUBDATE: 20021201
Renal cell carcinoma is increasingly being diagnosed at an earlier stage owing to medical advances. Since the pathologic stage is the most crucial predictor of patient outcome, an accurate and universal tumor staging system is of utmost importance. The TNM staging system, after multiple revisions, has evolved into a more precise system that correlates with cancer specific survival. Renal cell carcinoma staging systems have important clinical implications pertaining to nephron sparing surgery and the need for adrenalectomy or lymphadenectomy.