0. DOCID:12739 1933 "The Indiana Academy of Science" 0.0110107594951084
1. DOCID:12723 1933 "Appropriations for Grants-In-Aid by the National Research Council" 0.00916959379713003
2. DOCID:12852 1934 "The Ohio Academy of Science" 0.00850171317520441
3. DOCID:13671 1937 "Activities of the Commonwealth Fund" 0.00734957198082896
4. DOCID:14964 1942 "Research Activity and the Quality of Teaching in Medical Schools" 0.00730033026138806
5. DOCID:14044 1939 "The American Chemical Society" 0.00715991528043661
6. DOCID:12716 1933 "The Ella Sachs Plotz Foundation for the Advancement of Scientific Investigation" 0.00678552891528365
7. DOCID:14233 1939 "The Banting Research Foundation" 0.00657482794004299
8. DOCID:12278 1932 "The Association to Aid Scientific Research by Women" 0.00647588639574035
9. DOCID:14335 1940 "The Autumn General Meeting of the American Philosophical Society" 0.00643959269660222
10. DOCID:12902 1934 "Avian Malarial Infections as Classroom Material" 0.00624435689674783
11. DOCID:11264 1928 "The Discovery of Living Micro-Organisms in Ancient Rocks" 0.00621343075896026
12. DOCID:13798 1938 "The Decline of International Cooperation in Astronomy" 0.0059531053806659
13. DOCID:11563 1929 "A Method for Obtaining a Breeding Stock of Rats Free from Intestinal Protozoa" 0.0059238473696385
14. DOCID:12706 1933 "The Distribution of American Men of Science in 1932" 0.00590925890926262