Managing Software Developement

Biblography of Readings

Dr. James E. Tomayko

[Albrecht83 ]
A.J. Albrecht, J.E. Gaffney, Jr., "Software Function, Source Lines of Code, and Development Effort Prediction: A Software Science Validation." IEEE Trans. Software Eng. SE-9, 6 (Nov. 1983), 639-648.
[Boehm91 ]
B. W. Boehm, "Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices," IEEE Software, 8, 1 (January 1991), 32-41.
[Dart87 ]
S.A. Dart, R.J. Ellison, P.H. Feiler, N. Habermann, "Software Development Environments." Computer 20, 11 (Nov. 1987), 18-28.
[Grady87 ]
R. B. Grady, "Measuring and Managing Software Maintenance," iEEE Software, (Sept. 87), 35-45.
[Harvey86 ]
K. E. Harvey, Summary of the SEI Workshop on Software Configuration Management, CMU/SEI-86-TR-5, ADA200085.
[Humphrey88 ]
W.S. Humphrey, "Characterizing the Software Process: A Maturity Framework." IEEE Software, 5, 2 (March 1988), 73-79.
W. S. Humphrey, Managing the Software Process. Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[Johnson85 ]
D. Johnson, Computer Ethics, 1985, Prentice Hall, 22-37.
[Jones85 ]
C.L. Jones, "A Process-Integrated Approach to Defect Prevention." IBM Systems Journal, Vol.24, No. 2, 1985, 150-167.
[Kemerer87 ]
C.F. Kemerer, "An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models." Comm. ACM 30, 5 (May 1987), 416-429.
[Kemerer92 ]
C.F. Kemerer, "How the Learning Curve Affects CASE Tool Adoption," IEEE Software, (May 1992), pp. 23-28.
C. F. Kemerer and B. S. Porter, "Improving the Reliability of Function Point Measurement: An Empirical Study," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 18, 11 (Nov. 1992), pp. 1011-1030.
[Kotler 91]
Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall, 1991, Ch. 11, pp. 285-308.
Steve Maguire, Debugging the Development Process. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1994.
[Mills87 ]
H.D. Mills, M. Dyer, R.C. Linger "Cleanroom Software Engineering." IEEE Software, (Sept. 1987), 19-24.
[Paulk91 ]
Mark Paulk, et al, Capability Maturity Model for Software, CMU/SEI-91-TR-24.
[Pressman 92 ]
Roger Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
[Reifer90 ]
D. J. Reifer, "Asset-R: A Function Point Sizing Tool for Scientific and Real-Time Systems," The Journal of Systems and Software, 11, 3 (March 1990), pp. 159-172.
G. W. Russell, "Experience with Inspection in Ultralarge-Scale Developments, " IEEE Software (Jan. 1991), pp. 25-31.
C.R. Symons, "Function Point Analysis: Difficulties and Improvements." IEEE Trans. Software Eng. SE-14, 1 (Jan. 1988), 2-11.
Richard H. Thayer, ed., Software Engineering Project Management, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1988.
[Van Scoy92 ]
R. Van Scoy, Software Development Risk: Problem or Opportunity, (CMU/SEI-92-TR-30), Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992.
J. A. Whittaker and J. H. Poore, "Markov Analysis of Software Specifications," ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2, 1 (Jan. 1993), 93-106.

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