Meeting: Thursdays, 1:30pm-4pm, GHC 4303
Instructor: Ryan
Course Blog:
Overview: This is a graduate-level seminar class covering great papers in theoretical computer science from 2009 (and 2010). Each week, one student will present one of the papers to the class. The goal is to show complete proof details for the main results in the paper, to the extent that this is possible in a 1.5 to 2.5 hour talk. Prior to their presentations, the students will also be responsible for a blog posting giving basic background info and motivation for the paper. In addition to learning about recent results, a goal of this course is to stimulate further research on open problems related to the paper.
Jan. 28 | Shiva | [CGH] | Deterministic algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma |
Feb. 4 | Aaron | [DobDug] | On the power of randomization in algorithmic mechanism design |
Feb. 11 | Richard | [BSS] | Twice-Ramanujan sparsifiers |
Feb. 18 | Zed | [KLPT] | Higher eigenvalues of graphs |
Feb. 25 | Ravi | [AGMOS] | An O(log n / log log n)-approximation algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem |
Mar. 4 | Ryan away | No class | |
Mar. 11 | Spring Break | No class | |
Mar. 18 | Ali | [DinHar] | Composition of low-error 2-query PCPs using decodable PCPs |
Mar. 25 | Or | [Roughgarden] | Intrinsic robustness of the price of anarchy |
Apr. 1 | Yi | [Gentry] | Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices |
Apr. 8 | Yuan | [Braverman] | Poly-logarithmic independence fools AC0 circuits |
Apr. 15 | Srivatsan | [BanWil] | Regularity lemmas and combinatorial algorithms |
Apr. 22 | Pranjal | [Sherstov] | The intersection of two halfspaces has high threshold degree |
Apr. 29 | Harsha | [LLW] | Tight bounds for clock synchronization |