Richard J. Orgass

H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-8408  

Professional Profile

Over twenty-five years experience as an industrial and academic computer scientist engaged in technology transfer, pure and applied research and teaching. Technical Interests Include Object Oriented Design Recovery, Distributed Computing Systems, Software Development Environments, Multi-Media Applications, Object Oriented Programming, World Wide Web applications and Technology Transfer.


Instruction and Project Leadership in Information Systems.

Taught Object Oriented Design, Telecommunications Security, C++ and Java to Heinz School graduate students and Object Oriented Design for juniors in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Lead instructor for a 13 project senior course in Information Systems for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Instruction and Project Leadership in Computer Science

Taught a senior seminar in software engineering which included advanced topcs and reengineering a piece of Java software in collaboration with a team from the Technical University of Munich for delivery to a commercial customer, Daimler-Benz.  Also taught the Java part of a course in Programming Languages.

Infrastructure for Secure Internet Commerce

Responsible for the design and implementation of software for merchants who use NetBill to provide for the secure sale of low priced information goods via the internet. Supervision of masters' students who add components of the software. Work done at the Carnegie Mellon Information Networking Institute.

Advanced Library System Development

Initiate, design and implement development of multi-media library applications that provide distributed access to specialized collections at major libraries via the internet. Work done at the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, July 1993 to October 1995. Original high level technical plan presented at IFIP WG 2.4 in October 1993. Delivery of library data including page images via World Wide Web and other distribution vehicles.

Consulting in Distributed Computing Environments/Software Development

Advising corporate executives on the transition from centralized computing to distributed computing using industry standard technology. Designing distributed computing environments for corporate data processing and software development to improve the profitability of the corporation using OSF/DCE. Investigation of low cost Intel based computers to provide both BSD 4.3 and DOS with Windows. Work done at IBM Information Technology Center, June 1992 to June 1993. This work recently extended to include using Linux, NetBSD, OS/2 and Windows 3.1.

Object Oriented Design Recovery

Identified techniques that can be used to recover the design of object oriented systems so that it is possible to replace both the underlying object model and the public interfaces without changing the code. Validated the results by applying them to a system of over 250 classes and over 300,000 lines of source. Work done at the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science September 1991 to May 1992 and presented at IFIP WG 2.4 and 1992 Andrew Toolkit Conference.

Distributed Software Development Environments (SDE)/Technical Leadership

SDE on a platform with modern object based and object oriented languages, centralized data and a multi-media, multiple window user interface is in production use by over 2000 programmers to develop operating system and application software for AS/400 at IBM's Baldrige Award winning Rochester Laboratory. The results of using the environment more than justify the development and support costs as well as the capital investment required to deploy the environment.

SDE on a platform with a modern object based programming language, remote debugging of real time systems and a multiple window interface for the development of real time multiple processor software for copiers. The environment enabled the development of significantly higher quality software and about half the cost and contributed to Xerox winning a Baldrige Award. It has been in production use, with some updates, since 1983.

Object Oriented Programming

Active user of object oriented and object based programming languages since 1975.

Implementor of a formally verified, object oriented implementation of APL using Simula-67 with Air Force Office of Scientific Research Support (1977-1980).

Academic and industrial instruction in object oriented and object based programming using software engineering languages. University of Arizona, Virginia Tech, Xerox Corporation, IBM.

Technology Transfer

Andrew technology developed at CMU to IBM's Rochester Laboratory. Andrew Toolkit software was first installed in July 1985 and the first Andrew File System cell outside Carnegie Mellon was installed in July 1986. This technology is now an essential part of the site SDE (see above).

Object based programming as realized in Modula-2 to IBM's Rochester Laboratory. Shipped licensed program products had significantly better quality and lower development cost; actual data is not generally available.

Object based programming as realized in a variant of Mesa for distributed real time systems to Xerox's copier software development laboratory. Has been in use since 1983 and will be soon be replaced by object oriented programming with Modula-3.

Initiated consideration of object-oriented programming with Modula-3 as an example for product software development. Object oriented languages are now being used for product software development. Post mortem evaluations are not yet available.


Taught 35 different graduate and undergraduate courses and seminars, two industrial graduate level courses.


Author of sixty-eight journal articles and book chapters , abstracts and short notes , and generally available technical reports as well as four slide collections .

IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award "Enhanced Software Engineering Development Environment Definition and Implementation".

Principal Investigator of two Air Force Office of Scientific Research grants on reliable software through very high-level verification and one Carnegie Mellon Univesity Faculty Development Grant on an educator's desktop.

Employment History


PhD, Yale University, 1967
MS, Yale University, 1965
MS, Columbia University, 1963
BEE, City College of New York, 1960

Doctoral Dissertation

A Mathematical Theory of Computing Machine Structure and Programming.

Director: Professor Frederic B. Fitch, Department of Philosophy, Yale University.


Professional Society

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Other Professional Activities

Reviewer for the Journal of Symbolic Logic , Mathematical Reviews and Computing Reviews .

Member of the Program Committee, 1971 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, New York.

Official Observer, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference, Algebraic Theory of Flowchart Algorithms, Stevens Institute of Technology, August 1975. Principal Lecturer: Dr Calvin C Elgot, IBM Watson Research Center.

Member of the Executive Committee, SIGPLAN Technical Committee on APL (STAPL), 1977-1979.

Program Chairman of APL 81, sponsored by ACM and SIGAPL.

Referee for Journal of Symbolic Logic, Communications of the ACM, Prentic-Hall.

Served as a member of two NSF proposal review panels during the first half of 2000. The proposals were in the Information Technology Research area with a funding level of $500,000 per year or more with a commitment of up to five years.


Resume / Richard J. Orgass /