Pankaj P. Chauhan The current version of this curriculum vitae is available as Objective: Not looking for a job. Biographical Information: Citizenship: India Visa Status: H1-B Email: p-c-h-a-u-h-a-n-+-@-c-s-.-c-m-u-.-e-d-u (without dashes) Web: Availability: Not looking for a job. Research Interests: Formal Verification, specifically Model Checking Computer Architecture/Hardware design Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science (Work done Oct 2004, defended April 2007) M.S. in Computer Science (December 2001) Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Research Advisor: Dr. Edmund Clarke Member of Model Checking group at CMU. Thesis Title: Verification of Large Industrial Circuits Using SAT Based Reparameterization and Automated Abstraction-Refinement Research Interests: I am interested in applying formal verification techniques to large scale systems. I'm specifically interested in techniques to increase the capacity of Formal Verification engines using SAT procedures to improve automatic abstraction/refinement, image computation, and symbolic simulation with reparameterization. Symbolic simulation with SAT based reparameterization increases the capacity of property verification by bounded model checking. I'm also interested in all solutions SAT engines, which are critical for the performance of various algorithms. Relevant Courses: Formal Verification of Reactive and Concurrent Systems, Computer Systems, Parallel Computing, Advanced Networking, Algorithms, Type Systems, Advanced AI, Math Logic, Superscalar Processor Design, Performance Modeling, Prog. Analysis and Abstract Interpretation, Math Logics, Applied Logic by Dana Scott, Algorithms in the Real World, Hoare Logic Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering (May 1998) Computer Science and Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Kharagpur, India B. Tech. dissertation: Exploiting Direct Isomorphism to Compress ROBDDs Advisors: Dr. Pallab Dasgupta and Dr. P. P. Chakraborty GPA: 9.5/10 First position in the B. Tech. Computer Science and Engg. Class Second position among about 450 undergraduates at the institute Relevant Courses: Digital Design and two courses on Computer Architecture, VLSI Design, Switching Theory, Automata & Formal Languages, Discrete Math, Parallel Computing, Algorithms, Control Systems etc. Professional and Research Experience: Oct 04 to Present - Calypto Design Systems, Santa Clara, CA Various roles in the formal equivalence checking group. May 02 to August 02 - Strategic Cad Labs, Intel, Hillsboro, OR Summer Internship with Dr. Jin Yang. SAT based automated abstraction refinement for GSTE. May 01 to July 01 - NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton, NJ Summer Internhship with Dr. Arti Gupta and Dr. Pranav Ashar Verification of designs of industrial scale, Bounded Model Checking algorithms May 99 - July 99, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Summer Intern. Worked with Dr. Kurshan on formal specification and verification of PCI bus, Lucent Proprietory F-Bus and their interfaces. Jan 98 - Apr 98, IIT Kharagpur. Design Lab project. A compiler for mapping thread-based shared-memory concurrent programs to PVM distributed processes. Jul 97 - Apr 98, IIT Kharagpur. B.Tech. thesis research on ROBDDs. May 97 - Jul 97, DDE-ORG Systems, Vadodara, India. Summer intern. Developed hardware and firmware for dedicated Online Betting Terminals for Bangalore racecourse. Apart from these, some other interesting projects during my B. Tech. include a compiler for C, hardware implementation of a 4-bit CPU, hardware/firmware for a real time bank token monitoring system, design and implementation of an FSK modem etc. Teaching Experience/Communication Skills: 15-398 Bug Catching: Automated Software Verification, Fall 2001 15-441 Undergraduate Algorithms, Spring 2000 CMU CS departmental speaking skills requirement Various conferences and talks Selected Publications: P. Chauhan, E. M. Clarke, D. Kroening, A SAT-Based Algorithm for Reparameterization in Symbolic Simulation, DAC 2004. P. Chauhan, E. M. Clarke, D. Kroening, Using SAT Procedures for Reachability Analysis, SRC TECHCON, 2003. P. Chauhan, E. M. Clarke, S. Sapra, J. Kukula, H. Veith, D. Wang, Automated Abstraction Refinement for Model Checking Large State Spaces using SAT based Conflict Analysis, FMCAD 2002, pp. 33-51. P. Chauhan, E. M. Clarke, S. Jha, J. Kukula, T. Shiple, H. Veith, D. Wang, Non-linear quantification scheduling for efficient image computation, ICCAD 2001, pp. 293-298. P. Chauhan, E. M. Clarke, S. Jha, J. Kukula, H. Veith, D. Wang, Using Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms for Efficient Image Computation, CHARME 2001, pp. 293-309. R. Bryant, P. Chauhan, E. Clarke, A. Goel, A Theory of Consistency for Modular Synchronous Systems, FMCAD 2000, pp. 486-504. P. Chauhan, P. Dasgupta, P.P. Chakraborty, Exploiting Graph Isomorphism for BDD Compaction and Faster Simulation, Proceedings of the International VLSI conference, '99, Goa, India. P. Chauhan, E. Clarke, Y. Lu, D. Wang, Verifying IP-Core Based System-On-Chip Designs, IEEE International Conference on ASIC/SOC, pp. 27-31, September, 1999. Professional Activities: Referee for CAV '99, IEEE TPDS 2000, CAV '00, CAV'01, FMSD, JAR 2002, CAV'03, DAC'04 and other conferences Awards and Honors: CMU Computer Science Departmental Fellowship, 1998-present President of India Silver Medal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur for best academic performance in B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering class, May 1998 Award for the second best academic performance among 450+ undergraduate students of IIT Kharagpur, May 1998 B.P. Poddar Merit Scholarship, July 1997 to April 1998 Chief Minister's award/gold medal for being the topper among 50,000+ students in Gujarat State Higher Secondary Board Examination June 1993 National Merit Scholarship Certificate, June 1993 Skills: OSes: Linux, Unix and variants Languages: Current: C, C++, SMV, FL, Lex, Yacc, Verilog, Perl Past: Nesl, SQL, Fortran 77, MIPS/Alpha/x86 Assembly, Java, ML Development: Verification using SMV/VIS/Forte (GSTE) systems. Logic design and synthesis using Cadence tools TTL, programmable logic and microcontroller based logic design Development of parallel programs using threads, Nesl, PVM, MPI on various supercomputers Development of network applications using Berkeley sockets and WinSock Development of distributed applications using DCOM/OLE Human Languages: Fluent English, native Marathi speaker and native skills in Hindi and Gujarati (Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati are Indian languages) Personal Interests: Model Trains in HO scale (when I get job I will regularly invest in this hobby), Hindi and Hindustani Classical Music (listening and collecting), Flying Indian Kites, Math and puzzle solving References: Prof. Edmund Clarke, Computer Science Departent, Carnegie Mellon University Dr. Aarti Gupta, NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton, NJ 08817. Dr. Jin Yang, Strategic Cad Labs, Intel, Hillsboro, OR. Others available upon request