Departmental Cameras Page
This page will auto-refresh every five minutes.
Lounge Camera
The lounge camera image is updated every minute. The latest image is displayed below. You can also see the last twelve images.
Please feel free to point the lounge cam at whatever you want.
It is mounted on a tripod for this purpose. If you want
privacy, put the "Privacy Shield" (paper cup) over the camera.
Reboot the Mac if the cam goes down

Random 8130 Cam
This cam is usually pointing out of our office door down the
8100 corridor, but it may point at any random thing we choose.
The latest image is below. You can also see the
last 12 images,
newest to oldest.

View of the Valley

Goober Cam (Andrew Willmott)
A view out of Andrew Willmott's Doherty office's window, updated every five minutes. You can also check out Andrew's auto-updating GooberCAM Page

Xavier Cam
The image below is what Xavier is
looking at right now.

PDL WebCam
Here are two views from the Parallel Data Lab

INI ClusterCam
Here is Tobin Kyllingstad's
INI ClusterCam. The INI cluster is in Hamburg Hall A012.

Official CMU Cams
Here are a set of official CMU Live Pictures showing Morewood Gardens and something called "Erikas Aras Napjus."

Swedish Fish Cam
I don't understand this, but this is Eric Tilton's Swedish FishCam Page.
![[Don't you wish you could see the fishies?]](
Contact Peter A. Dinda to have your cam added or to gripe, or whatever. Please don't point anyone outside the department to this page.