Old announcements from
18 Nov:
reports on the Leonid meteor shower,
17 Nov: reading for Thursday is available -- see schedule below.
backyard astrophysics: look for the
Leonid meteor shower
on 17 & 18 Nov.
talk by Marc Fasnacht (in our class) on Fri 13 Nov on
Monte Carlo Simulation of Proteins
that might be of interest.
30 Oct: I installed a new version of SVL which fixes some bugs on Linux.
I suggest you do "rm *.o" and re-make to ensure that all of
your .o files are using SVL's new header files.
30 Oct: test pictures for wavelet assignment are available.
see wavelet assignment page (below).
29 Oct: new course pictures page, see below
29 Oct: see project handout below; note Thursday 11/5 proposal due date
24 Oct: The wavelet assignment is out.
See below.
It's image compression,
not variational surface design, as previously announced.
The latter looked too difficult for the limited time we have.
20 Oct: lecture notes for today are available (see schedule below)
16 Oct: reading for Tuesday is available outside
my secretary, Cleah Schlueter's office, Doherty 4309.
13 Oct: the multigrid assignment is out. see below.
8 Oct: if you ordered a "Multigrid Tutorial" book, pick it up
by tomorrow because we'll sell off the unclaimed books after that.
If you didn't order the book but you want a copy, go to Cleah Schlueter
in Doherty 4309 next week.
2 Oct: the group order of the book
A Multigrid Tutorial
If you ordered one, you can pick it up in Doherty 4309.
The cost is $16.20.
6 Oct: kinetic energy is .5*m*v^2, not m*v^2.
Sorry, my error. -Paul.
5 Oct: If reading particle2 files into nbody.cc isn't working, try
changing %F to %lf in read_number subroutine.
On Suns, this fixes a bug in my code.
See news group for more info.
On Tuesday 6 Oct. there's no lecture (see schedule below).
3 Oct: see the updated n-body assignment handout (below),
which now discusses testing and submission.
2 Oct: code to read the particle2 file format is in
See also the test file orbit.p2 in that dir and the program
In class 1 Oct.,
sign up for group order of Briggs' book,
A Multigrid Tutorial,
about $17 or $18 each,
which we'll be reading starting the following week.
1 Oct: Use the news group cmu.cs.class.cs859e for discussion
related to the class (programming assignments, etc.).
22 Sept: the first programming assignment is now available -- see below
Astrophysics talk, Mon 9/21 4pm,
may be of interest