I implemented the view morphing algorithm by approximating a 1x1 pixel's projection as a 2x2 pixel. I covered up for holes by
In order to speed up the flood fill I did repeated 1-dimensional flood-fills across y and x scanlines. In order to prevent blurring of the image edges, I put a threshhold on the largest span I could fill. This caused problems when the image was distorted so that gaps larger then this threshhold appeared. Also, when gaps appeared on a surface that should have covered another surface, the hidden surface occasionall peeked through the cracks. You can see this in one of the sample images where the subjects collar blurs into her cheek. Even though the cheek was drawn later, there were gaps in it, through which the collar showed through
Here is the 3d photo I started with
Here are some rotated images. Note the problems with using scanline interpolation to fill the holes
Pieces of the images that would have been holes appear blurry in these images