Syllabus for 15-869,
Image-Based Modeling and Rendering
Fall 1999
Professors: Steve Seitz and Paul Heckbert
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
In topical order (which is only approximately chronological).
what are image-based techniques?
administrative matters
video examples
Images (2D)
image warping
transformations: rigid body, affine, projective, other
brief review of homogeneous coordinates
resampling, bilinear interpolation
algorithms for image warping: forward, backward, two-pass
image mosaics
applications: remote sensing of earth and planets, panoramas,
superresolution, video
projective mosaics: planar scenes and panoramas
environment maps: cylinder, sphere, cube
Quicktime VR
image registration for mosaicing
manual methods
automatic methods:
sum of squared differences, mutual information
image compositing
alpha blending
feathering for image mosaics
correspondence specification
Beier-Neely method
grid-based techniques
interactive techniques
finding image contours with "snakes"
matte extraction,
environment matting
Depth Images (2.5-D)
z-buffer, range data, disparity
view interpolation
review of perspective camera model
Chen-Williams algorithm
occlusion, hole filling problem
plane + parallax
Macmillan's back-to-front rendering algorithm, plenoptic modeling
sprites (images in layers)
automatic extraction of image layers from video
layered depth images (LDI's)
the (proposed) Talisman rendering architecture
impostors (resampling geometric models)
3D Modeling
optics of real cameras
projective geometry (point-line duality)
view morphing (Seitz)
representing geometry:
point clouds
texture mapping
applications: reflectance, bumps, transparency, specularity, environment
antialiasing and texture filtering
acquiring geometry
camera calibration
correspondence problem,
epipolar geometry
stereo algorithms,
hole filling problem
structure from motion -maybe
voxel and silhouette models
volume intersection
finding silhouettes (again)
voxel coloring (Seitz & Dyer)
active methods -maybe
merging range scans -maybe
representing radiance
the many-dimensional nature of radiance
typical limitation to diffuse, opaque surfaces
bi-directional reflectance distribution functions (BRDF's)
environment maps
computing radiance/BRDF's
ray tracing
high dynamic range images
compositing real and synthetic images
Ray-based representations (4D)
light fields: acquiring, compression, rendering (Levoy, Gortler)
Shum's concentric mosaics
model-based techniques: Blanz & Vetter
learning techniques
special effects:
Dayton Taylor's "timetrack"
teleconferencing -maybe
image and video rewrite
Motion -maybe
Steve Seitz and Paul Heckbert, Sept. 1999